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Closet Christians! It is time to come out..

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Presentation on theme: "Closet Christians! It is time to come out.."— Presentation transcript:

1 Closet Christians! It is time to come out.

2 Introduction Many times when a person hides a habit or lifestyle from another individual or group of individuals, that person is said to be “in the closet.” Such is the description given to a homosexual who hides his sin from the rest of the world. People may be “in the closet” about their drinking, adultery, or any other habit or practice they do not want others to know about. Thus, these people could appropriately  be called “closet drinkers,” “closet adulterers,” etc.

3 While it is true that these people have something of which they are ashamed, they are not the only ones who hide their lifestyles from others. Too many times members of the Lord’s church are “in the closet” about the life they had once chosen to live. They hide their name and dedication so that the world will not associate them with the church. These closet Christians have hindered the growth and production of the church across our nation.

4 People who think and act in this fashion want the comfort of “belonging to Christ,” but they are not willing to accept the responsibility that comes along with it. They feel comforted thinking that God is on their side, but they would never stand up and defend God’s name, doctrine, or church before others. . It was this very idea that Christ was condemning when He said: “Therefore whoever confesses Me before men, him I will also confess before My Father who is in heaven. But whoever denies Me before men, him I will also deny before My Father who is in heaven,” (Matthew 10:32-33).

5 This happens many times during the teenage years of a person’s life.
Because of the ridicule and mockery of their peers, many young Christians will continue to attend worship services but live “in the closet” the rest of the week. Many times they never come out of that “closet” for fear and pressure, and they grow up to continue this way.

6 Why do people do this? What about this world and its temptations would cause one to revert almost to secrecy when it comes to Christianity? I suggest there are some things missing in the  life of the “closet Christian.” Let us look and see those things.

7 First, a “Closet Christian” lacks courage.
God has always desired and required that His children have courage. When the Lord chose an army to deliver His people, through Gideon He told all who were afraid to return home (Judges 7:1-2). Joshua was told to be strong and courageous (Joshua 1:6-9).

8 The great king David, even as a youth had the kind of courage God expects.
This was demonstrated when he fought Goliath the giant (1 Samuel 17). Daniel possessed the courage God demands when he prayed, knowing he would be thrown into the lions’ den (Daniel 6). We must also have courage to be a child of God. Without proper courage we will become “closet Christians.”

9 Second, a “closet Christian” lacks conviction.
Conviction spans deeper than a vocal testimony of God (Matthew 7:21). Conviction is defined as, “a strong persuasion or belief.” Certainly one who is convicted will be compelled by his faith in Christ and love for God to follow the commandments. In doing so, one could never be called a “closet Christian.”

10 How convicted am I? How convicted are you? Do I study my Bible as I should? Do you study your Bible as you should? Do I attend all the services of the local congregation? Do you? Are we in danger of becoming “closet Christians”?

11 Third, a “closet Christian” lacks correct communication.
Proper communication is essential in any relationship. The value of communication in our relationship with God is beyond compare. God communicates with us through His Word. Thus, if we do not read and study (2 Timothy 2:15), then we have broken communication with Almighty God.

12 We communicate with God by a fervent prayer life. 
Paul stressed the necessity of prayer with these three words: “Pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17). Thus, if we cease to pray, we have again broken communication with God.

13 Finally, the “closet Christian” lacks confidence.
He lacks confidence in himself to live the life he promised to live, confidence in the Word to help him overcome adversity and temptation, and confidence in God to fulfill the promises He made to those who obey Him. When we lose a solid confidence in God or His Word, then we are in danger of becoming “closet Christians.”

14 Conclusion Let us examine ourselves.
Do we lack courage, conviction, correct communication and/or confidence? If we do, we may be in danger of becoming – or we have already become – “closet Christians.” The only thing a “closet Christian” does not lack is a place at the judgment. If we have openly lived our commitment to Christ, we will be rewarded. If not, we will be condemned.

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