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Empowering Young People – Connecting Europe

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1 Empowering Young People – Connecting Europe
Re-shaping Life in our Region Empowering Young People – Connecting Europe

2 Project Aims Motto: “Re-shaping Life in our Region”
Development of innovative school-based projects promoting: Active citizenship Participation in civil society at national and regional level Intercultural awareness through cross-cultural interaction Sustainable development and entrepreneurship Together with external partners: NGOs, cultural institutions, artists, enterprises ...

3 Target Group 16 schools from ten countries

4 Cluster A - Active Citizenship
“Supporting Vulnerable Groups in Society – Promoting Voluntarism among Students”: Developing knowledge, skills and attitudes of students to participate as volunteers in their local communities and raising their awareness for the situation of vulnerable groups

5 Cluster B - Cultural Dialogue
“Stories of Everyday Life of Students in Four Countries – an Intercultural Comparison” Erasing frontiers by knowing our similarities and differences.

6 Cluster C -Sustainable Development
“Kids Recycle - Awareness Raising Campaigns in Kindergartens for Recycling” Students raise awareness of children for sustainable development.

7 Cluster D - Social Responsibility and Entrepreneurship
“Together for a Job - Youth Campaign against Youth Unemployment in the Danube Region”: A project to change the mind-sets of young people And to raise public awareness for youth unemployment.

8 Envisaged outcomes by the end of 2013
Four regional school clusters have been established 32 teachers have gained experience in regional project development 80 teachers have gained experience in regional project implementation 400 students have actively participated in four projects in fields relevant for the Danube Region Project results were presented to stakeholders in ten countries The “Danube Region Project Portfolio” – an innovative teachers guide is available to teachers/schools in the Danube Region


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