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I asked students and staff to provide their thoughts and opinions on the word, "Nigger" and the word, "Bitch" and how these words made them feel.

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Presentation on theme: "I asked students and staff to provide their thoughts and opinions on the word, "Nigger" and the word, "Bitch" and how these words made them feel."— Presentation transcript:

1 I asked students and staff to provide their thoughts and opinions on the word, "Nigger" and the word, "Bitch" and how these words made them feel Here's what they had to say...
















17 "About the "N" word, I feel that since we fought an entire war over race and " freedom" essentially, we shouldn't say it. It's offensive and can still be used to hurt others even if you are black. About the "B" word: it's sexist. If you are a female and you are a boss, you are usually labeled as being a bitch. I don't think it's fair that men can be judged normally while being in charge, but women can't. Racial slurs, or anything that offends anyone regardless of age, sex, race, or gender should not be said." Sara Winklepleck, Senior

18 "As a Hispanic, I'm not exactly sure how I feel about the "N" word, but I do definitely think that when people outside of the African- American race use it, it's really offensive and it's something very delicate to just be throwing around because of their history. It was a derogatory term used against them, but only their culture has now turned it into something of a more positive, jokey-kind of insider term for each other. Also, the "B" word is used to undermine women and is also used as a joke, but neither is okay. I use the "B" word even though obviously I shouldn't and don't like it, but it's something that has become accepted by society and is deemed funny." Keyla Murillo, Senior

19 "Well, for me the 'N' word is not a term of endearment
"Well, for me the 'N' word is not a term of endearment. I grew up in Lexington in the 50s and 60s and was called that many of times by my classmates, by white girls on the streets- along with other words and things as well. So, when I hear it, it just brings back-you know, some of those memories, those unpleasant times and to me, I see it as negative; as an insult. So, that is how I feel about it. It bothers me when I see and hear younger generations using the word. To them, it's like a word of friendship or passion or whatever- brother, friend To me, it is the complete opposite.” Staff Member

20 CREDITS GOES TO: All the students and staff of Bryan Station High School who were willing to give their thoughts and opinions. Without you, this video would not have been possible. THANK YOU!!!!

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