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Science TEK 7.7C-   demonstrate and illustrate forces that affect motion in everyday life such as emergence of seedlings, turgor pressure, and geotropism.

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Presentation on theme: "Science TEK 7.7C-   demonstrate and illustrate forces that affect motion in everyday life such as emergence of seedlings, turgor pressure, and geotropism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Science TEK 7.7C-   demonstrate and illustrate forces that affect motion in everyday life such as emergence of seedlings, turgor pressure, and geotropism.   Essential Questions 1. How do organisms respond to external and internal stimuli in order to maintain homeostasis?    3. Give examples of plant responses to external stimuli

2 Activity: Internal or External Stimulus?

3 Stimulus: an action or condition that provokes a response
On your first definition page write the following definition and create a sketch for it. Stimulus: an action or condition that provokes a response

4 instructions On the First blank Left/Right page you have available.
Title the right side Internal stimuli Title the left side external stimuli .

5 Internal Stimuli External Stimuli

6 Write the definitions on the next slide under the title it belongs with
Internal Stimulus External Stimulus Response based on a feeling that comes from inside you. Example: Hunger, Thirst, Fever Response based on something from the environment Example: Heat, Cold, Reflex Responses

7 Draw a line under each answer and write the next phrase underneath.
On each page create a T-Chart labled stimuli/response Read the given phrase on each slide. Decide if the provided stimulus is internal or external. Discuss the phrase with your shoulder partner, and then, hypothesize a logical response to the stimulus. Write the response beside the stimulus. For example: if the external stimulus was someone stepping on your toe, then a logical response would be yelling “ouch”. Draw a line under each answer and write the next phrase underneath.

8 1. You come in contact with germs/ bacteria
Step 2: Ask yourself, “What is a logical response?” There are multiple correct responses- as long as you identify a plausible (likely) response. Write your response in your notebook next to where you wrote the stimulus. Step 1: Ask yourself, “Is this an external or internal stimulus?” Write the phrase “You come in contact with germs and bacteria” under the correct stimulus column. **HINT: The germs/ bacteria/ virus do not affect you UNTIL they are inside your body. 1. You come in contact with germs/ bacteria

9 2. Bright Light

10 3. Touching a hot stove

11 4. Inhaling dust

12 5. Hunger

13 6. Cold Temperature

14 7. Inhaling pollen

15 8. A snake lunges at a rabbit
The PPT must be in Slide Show Mode to be able to click on this link. **Hint: “FIGHT or FLIGHT” Click HERE to read more about this. 8. A snake lunges at a rabbit

16 9.Thirst

17 10. A ball is thrown at you and you do not see it until the last second

18 11. Your dog smells their dog food

19 12. Scared by a loud sound

20 13. You eat something spicy

21 14. Choose a stimulus of your own and create a response for the last example

22 Plant Song

23 Online lab plants response

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