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Natural Sciences Division

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1 Natural Sciences Division
DIVISION MEETING 2/5/09 Natural Sciences Division

2 Agenda Intro/NSW ………….…………(2 min) Announcements ……………...(5 min)
Instructional Equipment Budget Update ……(10 min) Summer & Fall Schedules…..(10 min) Facilities Update………………(10 min) NS Objectives ………(15 min)

3 Intro NSW is archived at:
And the Division Page is at:

4 Announcements (5 min) Jan’s Sabbatical Approved
Sean – Seminar, Sci Fri, Proj GPS Prerequisite Adjustments? NS IE now $ 27 k…

5 Instructional Equip Update
“As you are aware there is still no state budget finalized for this fiscal year and therefore the IE funds are still in question. Due to this uncertainty, but knowing the purchasing window is coming to a close in a couple months, it was agreed at President’s Staff to allocate the state portion of the funds only for this year. The carryover funds will not be allocated, but held for backfill in case in the state actually eliminates its allocation (which is the current version). Assuming the first $250,000 of the funds will be allocated to the divisions by the pre-approved %’s, the following would be the allocations. There is a remainder of $12,743. I am assuming this would be allocated to ACT as it is the only area left without allocation from your original list. Please confirm if this is indeed your desire, and we will make the necessary budget transfers and will follow up with a new list of budget numbers.”

6 Summer & Fall Schedules (10 min)
FTES: 95.8% Costs: 85.3% Fall – More soon…

7 Fall Schedule Update… I am inclined to move forward with inputting at this time.  I ask that you roll your Fall POTs and schedules to get us moving forward. However, this should be done with an understanding that the final schedule may require serious revision if there are financial limitations imposed upon us in the wake of a final state budget as well as any enrollment targets that may come from the District Office. Please continue to examine your potential course offerings in light of developing a schedule that is both efficient and effective in meeting student needs. Larry

8 NS Objectives PAC requires 2-yr objectives… NS Div Planning Committee Brainstorming Results… Draft Objectives…

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