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ADCP-Corrected Absolute Geostrophic Current and Transport

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1 ADCP-Corrected Absolute Geostrophic Current and Transport
OC 3570 LT Terry McNamara 7 March 2006

2 Overview Introduction Method Sources of Error Assumptions Results
1 Overview Introduction Method Sources of Error Assumptions Results Conclusions Questions

3 Introduction Cruise: 19-26 January Line 70 Moss Landing Port San Luis
Port Hueneme Line 70 Cruise: January

4 3 Method Calculate onshore geostrophic transport from two deep CTD casts at either end of line 70 Assumes level of no motion (z=3532.5m) ADCP gives true currents down to approx. 650m Can use ADCP to obtain correct transport

5 Sources of Error Misalignment angle Schuler Oscillation
4 Sources of Error Misalignment angle Known for R/V Point Sur and accounted for Schuler Oscillation Known and accounted for

6 Sources of Error Ageostrophic velocities Drift currents Tides
5 Sources of Error Ageostrophic velocities Drift currents Tides Internal waves Inertial oscillations

7 6 Assumptions Max depth of Ekman layer well above layer used for correction Tides negligible out at Line 70 Other ageostrophic currents negligible ADCP & GPS errors small

8 7 Results

9 8 Choosing a Level 31 30 29 33 32 28 du dz = 0

10 Raw ADCP Level 31 Velocities
9 Raw ADCP Level 31 Velocities

11 Interpolated Level 31 Velocities
10 Interpolated Level 31 Velocities u’ v’

12 CTD-Derived Velocities
11 CTD-Derived Velocities Level 31

13 12 CTD & ADCP At Level 31 u’ cm/s

14 Correction u’ averaged over Line 70 at Level 31 (z=259 m)
13 Correction u’ averaged over Line 70 at Level 31 (z=259 m) By CTD: u’ = cm/s By ADCP: u’ = cm/s Correction to Geo. Vel. = cm/s

15 ADCP-Corrected Transport
14 ADCP-Corrected Transport

16 15 Conclusions Geostrophic Transport referenced to 3532m level of no motion: 3.1 Sv offshore Absolute Geostrophic Transport: 11.1 Sv onshore Significant current down to m

17 Please address your questions to me!

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