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CHIST-ERA Projects Seminar 2019 Topic X

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Presentation on theme: "CHIST-ERA Projects Seminar 2019 Topic X"— Presentation transcript:

1 CHIST-ERA Projects Seminar 2019 Topic X
Speaker(s) Bucharest, April 4, 2019

2 Introduction of the Topic
Present the topic (in a way which can be understood by researcher from other areas) Illustrations (images, graphs…) are welcome Use more than one slide if needed

3 Projects of the Topic Introduce the CHIST-ERA projects for the topic
Max 1 slide per project

4 Major Achievements and Outputs
Describe the overall achievements from the projects (ideally in 1 or 2 slides) Key highlights about how the research results have been or will be valorised (if appropriate by who?)

5 Topic Challenges and Needs
Describe the upcoming challenges and the plans to address them Describe any specific need not yet fulfilled

6 Possible Roadmap Describe the perspectives, including as much as possible timing information

7 Role of the CHIST-ERA Support
Describe which features of CHIST-ERA are most helpful for you Describe which features are missing

8 Questions Questions ?

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