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Intro to Heredity & Genetics

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1 Intro to Heredity & Genetics
Heredity and Genetics Future Technology

2 Plant Cell Division Plants are complex organisms that grow throughout their lifetime. Cells inside these organisms divide in two ways for two different purposes Mitosis: body cell use Meiosis: reproductive cells use

3 Plant Cell Division: Mitosis
Body cells use to reproduce Nucleus divides and forms new identical cells.

4 Plant Cell Division: Meiosis
Reproductive cells (gametes) – go through meiosis. Nucleus divides twice and you end up with 4 new cells – each with ½ of the genetic material as the parent cell.


6 Selective breeding Allows farmers to select and breed two parent plants to produce offspring with the traits they choose. Examples include sweeter corn, bigger tomatoes and round peas.

7 Genetic engineering Allows farmers to get the traits they want, by taking a section of DNA from one organism and inserting it into another organism Example: glow in the dark tobacco plant

8 Heredity and Genetics Gregor Mendel studied thousands of pea plants to up with the basic principles of heredity that we still use today

9 Heredity and Genetics These principles all start with sexual reproduction – where two parents combine cells (each with ½ of their DNA) to create new organisms - now with a combination of traits from each parent

10 Heredity and Genetics Chromosomes are coiled pieces of DNA and protein that carry genes (which code for a specific trait). Each form of a gene is called an allele. Alleles can be dominant or recessive.

11 Heredity and Genetics Dominant alleles will always present – or show (RR or Rr), while a recessive trait will only show itself if two recessive alleles are present (rr).

12 Genotype An organism’s genotype is represented by the letters – RR, Rr, or rr. The phenotype for these genotypes is what the trait means (red hair, long nose). Homogeneous genotype: no mixing, the sale alleles RR tt rr TT Heterogeneous genotype: mixing of alleles Rr Ss Qq

13 Punnett Square Created by Reginald Punnett
Predicts all of the possible genotypes offspring could have. Each box in the Punnett Square shows a way the alleles from each parent could combine in potential offspring.





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