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East Asian School of Information Theory (EASIT) 2020 and Beyond

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Presentation on theme: "East Asian School of Information Theory (EASIT) 2020 and Beyond"— Presentation transcript:

1 East Asian School of Information Theory (EASIT) 2020 and Beyond
Youngchul Sung KAIST Presenter: Changho

2 Outline Why EASIT? Organizing committee Program outline (tentative)
Budget (tentative)

3 Why East Asian School of IT?
52.9% 26.3% 27.7%

4 A new initiative in the last year (2018)
Successfully launched the first EASIT in Taiwan Organizing committee at the time Taiwan: Stefano Rini, I-Hsiang Wang, Yu-Chih (Jerry) Huang, Shih-Chun Lin Hong Kong: Sidharth Jaggi South Korea: Youngchul Sung

5 Wish to make it regular Plan for the upcoming three years
2020: Seoul, South Korea 2021: Hong Kong 2022: Shenzhen, China

6 Organizing Committee South Korea Hong Kong Singapore
General Organizers Financial Hong Kong Sidharth Jaggi @CUHK Youngchul Sung @KAIST Changho Suh @KAIST Byonghyo Shim @SNU Singapore Industry funding Vincent Tan @NUS Kwang Soon Kim @Yonsei

7 Program outline (tentative)
Basic & trending topics 1 local + 1 international speakers Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 9:00-12:00 Tutorial A1 Tutorial B2 Lecture A Lecture C 12:00-13:30 Lunch Break 13:30-16:30 Tutorial A2 Lecture B Student Posters 16:30-18:00 Social Event Advanced topics 3 international speakers

8 Cost estimates Venue rental: $3900 (capacity of 200 people)
Meals: $10/meal (4 days people  $4800) $200/day for refreshments (4 days  $800) Lodging & travel support for international students: $10,000 From Asia (e.g. Singapore/HongKong/Japan): $ From EU & NA: Germany: $1.5k$; London: $1.3k$; SFO: $1.2k … Travel cost for international speakers: $12,400 $3100/speaker (flight & hotel)*4 Others

9 Budget (tentative) Item Description Budget Venue rental SNU (or Yonsei University) USD 3,900 Lunch and coffee Offer lunch boxes or meal coupons Lunch: $10 * 120 * 4 days = $4800; Coffee: $200*4days=$800 USD 5,600 International (NA/EU) speakers Travel cost for 4 international speakers USD 12,400 Local (EA) speaker Travel cost for 1 speaker from East Asia USD 1,000 Student activities Pizza night or BBQ Local arrangement Secretary, website etc. USD 2,600 Advertisement Invitation letters & pamphlets USD 650 General expenses USD 3,500 Lodging & travel support for international students Reimburse some portion of travel and lodging to encourage attendance USD 10,000 Total USD 40,650 Request the BoG to authorize $20K USD in 2020 new initiative funds to be allocated to EASIT 2020. Plan to apply for additional funding from other sources like NRF-Korea, industries/universities

10 Venue (tentative) Seoul National University (Institute of New Media and Communication) Convenient transportation from airport Dormitory with enough capacity Another candidate: Yonsei University

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