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Week 4 WEB PAGES: CREATING AND MAINTAINING ** Wednesday: 2:00 – 3:15

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1 Week 4 WEB PAGES: CREATING AND MAINTAINING ** Wednesday: 2:00 – 3:15
Instructors: Tom Keane & Mayis Seapan Week 4

2 Homework Review

3 Watermelons Title = Quiz - Week 3 Save = “quiz3.html” Apples Bananas
Normal - default Apples Bananas Normal - default Small FONT, Bold Carrots Bold, Undl’d, Centered,Size=4 Tomatoes Watermelons Largest Heading 3 Spaces Eat: Fruits & Veggies Title = Quiz - Week 3 Save = “quiz3.html”


5 Tags that are on ALL Web Pages !!!
Starting Ending < HTML > < /HTML > < HEAD > < /HEAD > < TITLE > < /TITLE > < BODY > < /BODY >

6 Basic Tags on All Web pages

7 Basic Tags on All Web pages
<HTML> </HTML> <HEAD> </HEAD> <TITLE> </TITLE> <BODY> </BODY> HTML Template.html

8 Notepad

9 Notepad <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> Quiz – Week 3
<BODY> Apples <BR>Bananas <P> <FONT size=“1”> <B> Carrots </B> </FONT> </P>

10 Notepad <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> Quiz – Week 3
<BODY> Apples <BR>Bananas <P> <FONT size=“1”> <B> Carrots </B> </FONT> </P> <P align=“center”> <B> <U> <FONT size=“4” color=“red”> Tomatoes </FONT> </U> </B> </P> <H1> Watermelons </H1>

11 Notepad <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> Quiz – Week 3
<BODY> Apples <BR>Bananas <P> <FONT size=“1”> <B> Carrots </B> </FONT> </P> <P align=“center”> <B> <U> <FONT size=“4” color=“red”> Tomatoes </FONT> </U> </B> </P> <H1> Watermelons </H1> Eat: Fruits & Veggies </BODY> </HTML>

12 Save the File: quiz3.html
Notepad <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> Quiz – Week 3 </TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> Apples <BR>Bananas Save the File: quiz3.html <P> <FONT size=“1”> <B> Carrots </B> </FONT> </P> <P align=“center”> <B> <U> <FONT size=“4” color=“red”> Tomatoes </FONT> </U> </B> </P> <H1> Watermelons </H1> Eat: Fruits & Veggies </BODY> </HTML>


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