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DEUTERONOMY The “Second Law”.

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Presentation on theme: "DEUTERONOMY The “Second Law”."— Presentation transcript:

1 DEUTERONOMY The “Second Law”

2 DEUTERONOMY: Plot Picks up where Numbers leaves off
End of 40 Years in the Wilderness (approx. the last month) Moses reminds/warns Israel to be faithful & not forget God in the Promised Land Re-states many previous laws & renews the Covenant

3 DEUTERONOMY: Major Characters
Moses The People – A new generation, but Moses speaks to them as if they were involved in the original rebellion The LORD

4 DEUTERONOMY: Major Events
Moses reminds Israel of their past rebellion Idolatry strictly forbidden & 10 Commandments repeated Moses predicts the rise of “a prophet like me,” pointing to Jesus Blessings for Obedience & Curses for Disobedience Joshua appointed to succeed Moses The “Song of Moses” reminds Israel to be faithful to the LORD Moses sees Canaan from afar, then dies

5 DEUTERONOMY & THE NT Quoted more than 80 times in NT
Jesus quoted it in response to Satan’s temptations The “greatest commandment” comes from Deut Paul quotes Deut numerous times, as do other NT writers

“Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. You shall love the Lord your Go with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.” (Deuteronomy 6:4-5)

7 DEUTERONOMY: Lessons for Today
We must respond to God’s goodness with __________ & ___________. God’s commandments are for our own _____________. Peace & Prosperity brings the danger that we will _____________ God. God will not tolerate any _______________ for our allegiance.

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