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Election Time!.

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Presentation on theme: "Election Time!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Election Time!

2 Today you will begin looking at three ballot measures that could have a huge impact on you, your money and your life….

3 In your group you will research the following props and bond.
West-MEC Bond Prop 205 Prop 206

4 Create a presentation that is pro or con on the prop or bond and include the following things 1. Lay out the details of the measure. 2. Explain why it would be good or bad for the community(include evidence and facts!) 3. Include commercial or media in support of your groups view. 4. Give names of people or groups supporting or resisting measure

5 Groups 1. Support West MEC 2. Against West MEC 3. Support 205
5. Supporting 206 6. Against 206

6 Grading 25 points accuracy 25 points presentation skills 25 points ppt.

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