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November Oct 30-Nov 3, 2017 What we’re up to: Classroom Updates

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1 November Oct 30-Nov 3, 2017 What we’re up to: Classroom Updates
Reading: We are comparing fiction and non fiction text and graphic features. We will be identifying the features and defining their purpose. Language Arts: We are learning about plural nouns. We will discuss non-fiction features and why authors include them in their books. Math: We will learn to tell time to the minute, half hour, quarter hour, and hour. (chapter 18) Science: We are learning about the different types of energy (sound, heat, and light) and how they are used. Social Studies: We are learning about different communities (urban, rural, suburban) and how they are alike and different. Notes from the Nurse: Encourage student to wash hands for 20 seconds (sing birthday song twice)                 Before eating                 After using the restroom                 After coughing or sneezing in hands Once a week, take a peek…check your child’s head weekly for nits or lice Field Day is this Friday, November 3! This week is red ribbon week! The second grade play is approaching! We will begin practicing this week. Please watch your child’s folder for more information coming home this week. November Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 30 Red Ribbon Week 31 Halloween or Astros Shirt 1 Caps 2 Pajama day! 3 Field Day! Class Shirts 6 7 8 9 Conferences Half day 10 13 14 15 16 Second grade play 17 20 No School 21 22 23 Thanksgiving Day 24 27 28 29 30

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