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Keeping the Pressure on Archived NRTI Resistance: Switching to Bictegravir/Emtricitabine/Tenofovir Alafenamide (B/F/TAF) Triple Therapy in Study 4030 Rima.

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1 Keeping the Pressure on Archived NRTI Resistance: Switching to Bictegravir/Emtricitabine/Tenofovir Alafenamide (B/F/TAF) Triple Therapy in Study 4030 Rima Acosta, Madeleine Willkom, Kristen Andreatta, Hui Liu, Ross Martin, Aiyappa Parvangada, Hal Martin, Sean Collins, and Kirsten L. White Gilead Sciences, Inc., Foster City, CA, USA Presented at: The 10th IAS Conference on HIV Science (IAS 2019) July 21-24, 2019, Mexico City, Mexico Poster: MOPEB241

2 Background Bictegravir/emtricitabine/tenofovir alafenamide (B/F/TAF) is approved in Mexico, by the US FDA, EMA, and in other countries for treatment of HIV-1 infection; treatment-naïve and virologically suppressed without resistance to the components1,2 B/F/TAF safety and efficacy have been demonstrated in controlled clinical trials Treatment-naïve adults: 2 Phase 3 studies of 634 participants through 96 weeks3-6 Suppressed switch adults: 4 Phase 3 studies of 1090 participants through 48 weeks7-10 Suppressed switch in adolescents and children: 1 Phase 2/3 study of 100 participants through 48 weeks11 No treatment-emergent resistance has been detected in clinical trial participants taking B/F/TAF Proviral DNA genotyping (archive assays) can detect transmitted or acquired drug resistance in suppressed patients but can be insensitive in reporting all prior resistance substitutions12-14 Study GS-US allowed for enrollment of participants with known or suspected resistance to NRTIs, PIs, and/or NNRTIs and randomized them in a 1:1 ratio to switch to B/F/TAF or dolutegravir (DTG) + F/TAF Here, we present viral resistance analyses of Study GS-US from baseline through Week 48 Acosta, IAS, 2019, Poster #MOPEB241

3 Methods: Figure 1. GS-US-380-4030 Study Design
Phase 3, randomized, double-blind, multicenter, active-controlled study Week 0 48 Adults with HIV on DTG + F/TAF or DTG + F/TDF HIV-1 RNA < 50 c/mL for ≥ 3 months if no NRTI resistance ≥ 6 months if NRTI resistance is known or suspected Any NRTI, NNRTI, or PI resistance was allowed No documented INSTI resistance or confirmed virologic failure on an INSTI-containing regimen DTG + F/TAF placebo QD B/F/TAF QD B/F/TAF placebo QD DTG + F/TAF QD n=284 n=281 Primary Endpoint HIV-1 RNA ≥ 50 c/mL (4% non-inferiority margin) 1:1 N=565 Randomization stratified by: F/TAF vs F/TDF at baseline Documented or suspected history of NRTI resistance Acosta, IAS, 2019, Poster #MOPEB241

4 Methods, cont. NRTI resistance was classified into 3 categories used to stratify at randomization. For participants that qualified for more than one resistance category, the higher resistance category was prioritized: 1, then 2, then 3 as shown below Category NRTI Resistance Mutation Resistance 1 K65R/E/N, ≥ 3 TAMsa that include M41L or L210W, or T69 insertions High 2 M184V/I, K70E/G/M/Q/S/T, L74V/I, V75A/S/M/T, Y115F, T69D, Q151M, or other TAMa patterns Low 3 No NRTI resistance associated mutations None a. TAMs are M41L, D67N, K70R, L210W, T215F/Y, and K219Q/E/R/N. Acosta, IAS, 2019, Poster #MOPEB241

5 Methods, cont. Stratification Category: Assigned by the investigator at randomization based on review of HIV-1 historical genotypes, phenotypes (if available), and antiretroviral treatment history Final Category: Assigned post-randomization based on cumulative historical data, investigator assessment of suspected resistance, and baseline genotyping using proviral DNA genotype (GenoSure Archive assay, Monogram Biosciences) No genotypic data and no suspicion of resistance was assigned to category 3 36% (206/565) of participants had both a historical and proviral genotype If one genotype showed resistance and the other did not, the resistant genotype was used Proviral assay limitations Cellular APOBEC-mediated hypermutation may introduce STOP codons and some substitutions associated with drug resistance (E138K, M184I, and M230I in RT; G163R in IN). Utilization of bioinformatics filters to remove hypermutated deep sequence reads mitigates over-reporting of these substitutions Lack of sensitivity to detect resistance substitutions that had been previously reported by plasma HIV-1 RNA genotyping. For example only 43% of previously documented M184V/I was detected by the archive assay in one recent study12 Historical Genotype HIV-1 RNA ≥ 400 c/mL Proviral DNA HIV-1 RNA < 50 c/mL + 50% (285/565) 69% (391/565) = Any Genotypic Data 83% (470/565) Acosta, IAS, 2019, Poster #MOPEB241

6 Methods, cont. Virologic outcomes were assessed at Week 48 by U.S. FDA-defined Snapshot algorithm and the LOCF (Last Observation Carried Forward) method Resistance analysis population (RAP) included any participant with virologic rebound and no subsequent resuppression of HIV-1 RNA Confirmed virologic failure: Two consecutive HIV-1 RNA tests ≥ 50 c/mL, with HIV-1 RNA ≥ 200 c/mL at the confirmation test HIV-1 RNA ≥ 200 c/mL at Week 48 or last visit on study drug (did not require confirmation) Population genotype and phenotype were conducted at confirmed virologic failure, Week 48, or last visit for reverse transcriptase (RT), protease (PR), and integrase (IN) (Monogram Biosciences) A multivariate logistic regression model (n=470 with documented historical or proviral genotype) assessed risk factors for baseline NRTI resistance and for M184V/I mutation using stepwise selection with significance level for entry (SLE) α = 0.20 and significance level for stay (SLS) α = 0.05 Intrinsic predictors—Age group, sex, race, ethnicity, BMI, CKD stage, region HIV specific variables at baseline—CD4, HIV RNA, HIV acquisition risk factor, HIV disease status, time since ART start, prior use of each class of ART 3rd agent, number of prior 3rd agents, baseline ARV regimen and duration, PI resistance or NNRTI resistance at baseline Acosta, IAS, 2019, Poster #MOPEB241

7 Table 1. Study GS-US-380-4030 HIV-1 Primary Drug Resistance Substitutions
Coding region Resistance Category Amino Acid Substitutions RT NRTI-R K65R/E/N, T69 insertions, T69D, K70E/G/M/Q/R/S/T, L74V/I, V75A/M/S/T, Y115F, Q151M, M184V/I TAMs: M41L, D67N, K70R, L210W, T215F/Y, K219E/N/Q/R NNRTI-R L100I, K101E/P, K103N/S, V106A/M, V108I, E138A/G/K/Q/R, V179L, Y181C/I/V, Y188C/H/L, G190A/E/Q/S, H221Y, P225H, F227C, M230I/L PR PI-R D30N, V32I, M46I/L, I47A/V, G48V, I50L/V, I54M/L, Q58E, T74P, L76V, V82A/F/L/S/T, N83D, I84V, N88S, L90M IN INSTI-R T66I/A/K, E92Q/G, T97A, F121Y, Y143R/H/C, S147G, Q148H/K/R, N155H/S, R263K Acosta, IAS, 2019, Poster #MOPEB241

8 Results: Table 2. Baseline Characteristics
B/F/TAF n=284 DTG + F/TAF n=281 Median age, years (range) 51 (22-79) 50 (20-79) Male, % 86 85 Race/Ethnicity, % White 71 72 Black or African descent 24 22 Hispanic/Latino 18 Median CD4 cell count, cells/µL (IQR) 659 (486,885) 642 (462,791) Median eGFRCG, mL/min (IQR) 97 (79,114) 100 (83,124) NRTIs at baseline: F/TAF, % 68 69 Acosta, IAS, 2019, Poster #MOPEB241

9 Table 3. Pre-Existing NRTI Resistance
Category NRTI Resistance Mutation At Stratificationa N=565 Finala B/F/TAFa n=284 DTG + F/TAFa n=281 1 K65R/E/N or ≥ 3 TAMsb, n (%) 15 (3%) 30 (5%) 16 (6%) 14 (5%) 2 Other NRTI Resistance, n (%) 63 (11%) 108 (19%) 55 (19%) 53 (19%) 3 No NRTI Mutation, n (%) 487 (86%) 427 (76%) 213 (75%) 214 (76%) 20 participants stratified to categories 1 or 2 based on investigator suspected NRTI resistance (19 participants category 2, and 1 participant category 1) which were not confirmed by historical genotype or proviral DNA genotype. Includes K65R/E/N, or 3 or more thymidine analogue mutations (TAMs) that include M41L or L210W, or T69 insertions. Acosta, IAS, 2019, Poster #MOPEB241

10 Treatment Difference in % with RNA ≥ 50 c/mL, (95.001% CI)
Figure 2. Virologic Outcome by FDA Snapshot at Week 48 (Overall Population) HIV-1 RNA < 50 c/mL HIV-1 RNA ≥ 50 c/mL No Virologic Data  1  284  3  281 265 256  22   18  Treatment Difference in % with RNA ≥ 50 c/mL, (95.001% CI) 4% Favors B/F/TAF DTG + F/TAF DTG+ F/TAF (n=281) B/F/TAF (n=284) Virologic Outcome Participants, % Switching to B/F/TAF was non-inferior to remaining on DTG + F/TAF No participant with pre-existing NRTI resistance had HIV-1 RNA ≥ 50 c/mL at Week 48 or last visit Acosta, IAS, 2019, Poster #MOPEB241

11 Number of Participants, n (%) Historical or Proviral DNAa
Table 4. Frequency of Baseline NRTI Resistance-Associated Substitutions Resistance Category Number of Participants, n (%) Historical or Proviral DNAa N=565 B/F/TAF n=284 DTG + F/TAF n=281 Participants with PR-RT Data 470 (83%) 238 (84%) 232 (83%) Primary NRTI-R 118/470 (25%) 63/238 (26%) 55/232 (24%) M184V/Ib 81 (17%) 47 (20%) 34 (15%) By Historical Genotype 41 (9%) 22 (9%) 19 (8%) By Proviral DNA 57 (12%) 35 (15%) K65R 5 (1%) 3 (1%) 2 (1%) T69D 7 (1%) 4 (2%) K70E 4 (1%) 1 (0.4%) L74V/I 10 (2%) 7 (3%) Y115F 2 (0.4%) Q151M Any TAMs 65 (14%) 32 (13%) 33 (14%) 1-2 TAMs 32 (7%) 16 (7%) ≥ 3 TAMs 33 (7%) 17 (7%) a. Substitutions were detected by historical genotype, proviral DNA Archive genotype, or both. b. Of the 81 participants with M184V/I, 71 had M184V alone; 6 had M184I alone; and 4 had both M184V and I. Acosta, IAS, 2019, Poster #MOPEB241

12 Table 5. Frequency of Other Resistance-Associated Substitutions
Resistance Category Number of Participants, n (%) Historical or Proviral DNAa N=565 B/F/TAF n=284 DTG + F/TAF n=281 Participants with PR-RT Data 470 (83%) 238 (84%) 232 (83%) Primary NNRTI-R 118/470 (25%) 61/238 (26%) 57/232 (25%) RPV-Rb 52 (11%) 22 (9%) 30 (13%) K103N/S 65 (14%) 37 (16%) 28 (12%) E138A/G/K/Q/R 17 (4%) 5 (2%) 12 (5%) Y181C 15 (3%) 10 (4%) Primary PI-R 38/470 (8%) 15/238 (6%) 23/232 (10%) M46I/L Q58E 4 (1%) 4 (2%) L90M 8 (2%) Participants with IN Data 413 (73%) 213 (75%) 200 (71%) Primary INSTI-R 20/413 (5%) 15/213 (7%) 5/200 (3%) T97A 12 (3%) 8 (4%) Y143H 2 (0.5%) 2 (1%) S147G 1 (0.2%) 1 (0.5%) Q148H N155H/S 1 (1%) R263K a. Substitutions were detected by historical genotype, proviral DNA Archive genotype, or both. b. Rilpivirine resistance substitutions (RPV-R) are L100I, K101E/P, E138A/G/K/Q/R, V179L, Y181C/I/V, Y188L, H221Y, F227C, and M230I/L in RT. Acosta, IAS, 2019, Poster #MOPEB241

13 Number of Participants, n (%) Treatment Difference % (95% CI)
Table 6. Week 48 Virologic Outcome by FDA Snapshot, NRTI Resistance Categories HIV-1 RNA < 50 c/mL at Week 48 by Snapshot Number of Participants, n (%) B/F/TAF n=284 DTG + F/TAF n=281 Treatment Difference % (95% CI) Overall 265 (93%) 256 (91%) 2.2% (-2.3% to 6.8%) 1: K65R/E/N or ≥ 3 TAMsa 15/16 (94%)b 14/14 (100%)b -6.3% (-30.7% to 19.4%) 2: Other NRTI Resistance 51/55 (93%)b 51/53 (96%)b -3.5% (-14.2% to 6.9%) 3: No NRTI Mutation 199/213 (93%) 191/214 (89%) 4.2% (-1.3% to 9.9%) No participant from either treatment arm with known or suspected NRTI resistance had HIV-1 RNA ≥ 50 copies/mL at Week 48 or last visit Includes K65R/E/N, or 3 or more thymidine analogue mutations (TAMs) that include M41L or L210W, or T69 insertions. All participants with known or suspected NRTI resistance who did not have HIV-1 RNA < 50 c/mL at Week 48 had missing data in the Week 48 window and were virologically suppressed at their last visits. Acosta, IAS, 2019, Poster #MOPEB241

14 Figure 3. Week 48 Virologic Outcome by the LOCF Method, NRTI Resistance Categories
Virologic Outcome HIV-1 RNA < 50 c/mL by LOCFa No NRTI resistance Overall M184V/I Participants, %  16  16  14  14  55  55  53  53  211  212  209  K65R or ≥ 3 TAMsb Other NRTI resistance  47  47  34  34  282  283  276  279 DTG+ F/TAF (n=281) B/F/TAF (n=284) a. The LOCF outcome analysis did not include 3 participants (1 B/F/TAF; 2 DTG + F/TAF) who had no on-treatment post-baseline data. b. Includes K65R/E/N, or 3 or more TAMs that include M41L or L210W, or T69 insertions. Acosta, IAS, 2019, Poster #MOPEB241

15 Figure 4. Week 48 Virologic Outcome by the LOCF Method, Genotypic Resistance
Virologic Outcome HIV-1 RNA < 50 c/mL by LOCFa DTG+ F/TAF (n=281) B/F/TAF (n=284) INSTI-R NRTI-R Participants, % 60  61  57  57  15  15  23  23  5  5 NNRTI-R PI-R  63  63  55  55 The LOCF outcome analysis did not include 3 participants (1 B/F/TAF; 2 DTG + F/TAF) who had no on-treatment post-baseline data. Acosta, IAS, 2019, Poster #MOPEB241

16 Table 7. Week 48 Resistance Analysis of Virologic Failures
B/F/TAF n=284 DTG + F/TAF n=281 Resistance analysis population 3 Emergent resistance Resistance analysis population included any participant with a confirmed viral rebound of HIV-1 RNA ≥ 50 c/mL, with the confirmatory HIV-1 RNA ≥ 200 c/mL through Week 48, or without confirmation if at the last visit, who did not resuppress while on study drug. No participant developed treatment-emergent resistance through Week 48 The LOCF outcome analysis did not include 3 participants (1 B/F/TAF; 2 DTG + F/TAF) who had no on-treatment post-baseline data. Acosta, IAS, 2019, Poster #MOPEB241

17 Any NRTI Mutation Present
Table 8. Predictors of Pre-Existing NRTI Resistance or M184V/I by Multivariate Logistic Regression Model Any NRTI Mutation Present M184V/I Present OR (95% CI) p-value Time since ART start (per year) 1.1 (1.1, 1.2) < 1.1 (1.1, 1.1) Prior PI-containing regimen 2.0 (1.2, 3.5) 0.0116 2.2 (1.1, 4.2) 0.0189 Black race (vs non-Black) 2.1 (1.2, 3.6) 0.0106 2.5 (1.4, 4.6) 0.0026 History of PI resistance 3.0 (1.3, 6.9) 0.0123 2.6 (1.1, 6.0) 0.0295 History of NNRTI resistance 2.4 (1.4, 4.0) 0.0014 2.7 (1.5, 4.7) 0.0007 Independent predictors of NRTI mutations and of M184V/I include a longer time since starting ART, a prior-PI containing regimen, Black race, and PI or NNRTI resistance M184V/I was present in: 42% (16/38) of participants with PI resistance, vs 15% (65/432) of participants without PI resistance 35% (41/118) of participants with NNRTI resistance, vs 11% (40/352) of participants without NNRTI resistance Acosta, IAS, 2019, Poster #MOPEB241

18 Conclusions Study 4030 was the first study of B/F/TAF to prospectively allow NRTI, NNRTI, and PI resistance At Week 48, there were high rates of virologic suppression regardless of pre-existing NRTI resistance (93.3% B/F/TAF vs. 91.1% DTG + F/TAF) High levels of NRTI resistance were present in the virologically suppressed participants enrolled in the study 14% had known or suspected NRTI resistance at screening, which increased to 24% using historical data and additional baseline proviral HIV-1 DNA genotyping M184V/I was present in 81 participants, who all had HIV-1 RNA < 50 c/mL at Week 48 or last visit Similar efficacy was shown in studies 1844 and 1878, where a high rate of virologic suppression was maintained in participants with M184V/I taking B/F/TAF (52/54, 96%)15 No participant with pre-existing NRTI resistance had HIV-1 RNA ≥ 50 c/mL at Week 48 or last visit No treatment emergent resistance was observed in either arm Presence of NRTI resistance at baseline, including M184V/I, was associated with a longer duration of ART, a prior PI-containing regimen, black race, and baseline PI or NNRTI resistance A triple therapy regimen of B/F/TAF or DTG + F/TAF may be an effective treatment option for virologically suppressed patients with or without evidence of pre-existing NRTI resistance including M184V/I Acosta, IAS, 2019, Poster #MOPEB241

19 References BIKTARVY® (bictegravir, emtricitabine, and tenofovir alafenamide) Tablets for Oral Use Prescribing Information. Gilead Sciences, Initial US Approval 2018. Biktarvy: EPAR – Product Information. European Medicines Association, 2018. Gallant J, et al., The Lancet (2017) 390(10107): Sax PE, et al., The Lancet (2017) 390(10107): Wohl D, et al., The Lancet HIV (2019) 6(6): e355-e363. Stellbrink HJ, et al., The Lancet HIV (2019) 6(6): e364-e372. Daar ES, et al., The Lancet HIV (2018) 5(7): e347-e356. Molina JM, et al., The Lancet HIV (2018) 5(7): e357-e365. Kityo C, et al., CROI (2018) Presentation #500. Sax PE, et al., IAS (2019) Presentation #MOAB0105. Gaur AH, et al., CROI (2019) Presentation #2571. Perez-Valero I, et al., IAS (2018) Presentation #TUAB0104. Andreatta K, et al., HIV Glasgow (2018) Presentation #P298. Thielen A, European Meeting on HIV & Hepatitis (2018) Presentation #5. Andreatta K, et al., European Meeting on HIV & Hepatitis (2019) Presentation #24, and data on file. Acosta, IAS, 2019, Poster #MOPEB241

20 Acknowledgments We extend our thanks to the participants and their families, study investigators and staff. These studies were funded by Gilead Sciences, Inc. Acosta, IAS, 2019, Poster #MOPEB241

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