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10.30.18 CURRENT EVENTS ON THIS DAY: 1831 - Escaped slave Nat Turner was apprehended in Southampton County, VA, several weeks after leading the.

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Presentation on theme: "10.30.18 CURRENT EVENTS ON THIS DAY: 1831 - Escaped slave Nat Turner was apprehended in Southampton County, VA, several weeks after leading the."— Presentation transcript:

1 CURRENT EVENTS ON THIS DAY: Escaped slave Nat Turner was apprehended in Southampton County, VA, several weeks after leading the bloodiest slave uprising in American history The time clock was patented by Daniel M. Cooper of Rochester, NY Orson Welles' "The War of the Worlds" aired on CBS radio In Moscow, a declaration was signed by the Governments of the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, the United States and China called for an early establishment of an international organization to maintain peace/security General George C. Marshall was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. AGENDA: CTP PRESENTATIONS: ALI A./MO MAKKI WATCH, TAKE NOTES ON & DISCUSS NATIONAL NEWS. CONTINUE BI-WEEKLY ARTICLE DISCUSSIONS. GP TUESDAY:PAUL CTP PRESENTATIONS THIS WEEK: WED. JAKE/PAUL THIURS. ABDULLAH/ALI C. FRI. LAYTH/TASNIM BELL WORK: #13 PICK-UP & READ THE BIOGRAPHIES FOR THE CANDIDATES FOR GOVERNOR. WHO WOULD YOU VOTE FOR? WHY?

2 EXIT TICKET # Should the U.S. government enact tighter gun control laws? Provide and explain at least two details to support your opinion.

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