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Planning Learning.

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Presentation on theme: "Planning Learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Planning Learning

2 Accelerated Learning Cycle
Cramlington Learning Village and Preston Lodge High School Helps keep your lessons focussed and relevant Series of lessons

3 Connect Might be a hook Where does this fit into the big picture?
What questions might they already have about topic? Why is this relevant to the learner? (not everyone wants to be a Scientist)

4 Share the learning intentions + success criteria
Co-operation Skills Content Opportunity for everyone to make progress

5 Share New Information This is the teaching bit. Video PPt News article Demonstration Piece of text Opportunity to develop learning skills here (modelling strategies etc)

6 Search for meaning Activity to familiarise and get to grips with... Opportunity to feedback Series of questions Card sort Scenarios Diagrams to label etc. Experiment Opportunity to develop learning skills here (modelling strategies etc)

7 Demonstrate understanding
This is the finding out of if they’ve got it bit Quiz Make a model Explain it to someone else Write an essay Past paper questions A test

8 Review and Reflect Opportunity to discuss how we’re doing
Revisit success criteria Skills as well as content

9 SOLO Taxonomy

10 Biggest lesson I’ve learned...
Sometimes the most engaging activity is just a question If it’s not going to actually move their understanding forward, DITCH IT – ask their opinions Make as much time as possible for MEANINGFUL feedback

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