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Training Grant Administrative Support Roundtable Discussion

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Presentation on theme: "Training Grant Administrative Support Roundtable Discussion"— Presentation transcript:

1 Training Grant Administrative Support Roundtable Discussion
Wednesday, June 19, 2019 11:00am-12:30pm Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (OGPS) Jessica Schwartz, Ph.D., Director, Office of Training Grant Support Presenters: Margaret Allen and Cathy Mitchell - Training Grant Administrative Support

2 Agenda: TG Admin Support Roundtable Discussion
Welcome and Introductions M-FACTIR to xTRACT Guest Speaker How to Upload Reports from M-FACTIR into xTRACT Jessica Schwartz, Ph.D., Director, Office of Training Grant Support: How Data Tables Reinforce the Text of Training Grant Applications Open Discussion Roundtable Evaluation

3 T32 Administrator Roundtable Discussion
Guest Speaker: Jessica Schwartz, Ph.D. Director, Office of Training Grant Support, OGPS - How Data Tables Reinforce the Text of Training Grant Applications

4 Additional Training Grant components:
How Data Tables Reinforce text of a Training Grant Application Structure of an Institutional Training Grant Proposal 1. Research Training Plan (text, 25 pg) 2. Data Tables – depts, faculty, trainees, applicants, outcomes 3. Diversity 4. Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) 5. Training in Rigor and Transparency in Research Additional Training Grant components: Abstract and Narrative Budget and justification Resources: Facilities and Equipment Progress Report (renewals) Biosketches Appendix (limited)

5 CMB Training Grant 2011 150 faculty 70 Students CMB Text
Abstract, Resources, Research Training Plan, Diversity, RCR, Budget & justification, Support letters, Human & Animal Use Biosketches 150 faculty Data Tables 1-12 Appendices optional JS

6 Data Tables for NIH T32 Training Grants
ENVIRONMENT Table 1. Census of Participating Departments and Interdisciplinary Programs FACULTY Table 2. Participating faculty members Table 3. Federal Institutional Research Training Grants and Related Support Available to Participating Faculty Members Table 4. Research Support of Participating Faculty Members TRAINEES Table 5. Publications of Those in Training Table 6. Applicants, Entrants, and their Characteristics for the Past Five Years Table 7. Appointments to the Training Grant for Each Year of the Current Project Period Table 8. Program Outcomes - 15 yr (Updated yearly for RPPR progress reports)

7 Research Training Plan
Overview of typical structure (25 pg limit) 1. Background – rationale, history, need for proposed training 2. Program Plan (Refer to data tables) a. Program Administration b. Program Faculty c. Proposed Training d. Training Program Evaluation e. Admission and completion records f. Trainee candidates (1). Qualifications of applicants (2). Current trainee qualifications g. Institutional environment and commitment to training 3. Recruitment and Retention Plan to Enhance Diversity a. History and Achievements b. Proposed Plans Plan for instruction in Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Include refresher training after 4 yr 5. Training in Rigor and Transparency in research - Reproducibility JS

8 Research Training Plan
Overview of typical structure (25 pg limit) 1. Background – rationale, history, need for proposed training - Table 1 (Dept census) 2. Program a. Program Administration b. Program Faculty (Table 2: fac & mentoring history; Table 3: other TG; Table 4: faculty funding) c. Proposed Training d. Training Program Evaluation e. Admission and completion records (Table 6: Admissions) f. Trainee candidates (Table 5: Publications; Table 8: Outcomes) (1). Qualifications of applicants (2). Current trainee qualifications g. Institutional environment and commitment to training 3. Recruitment and Retention Plan to Enhance Diversity a. History and Achievements b. Proposed Plans Plan for instruction in Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Include refresher training after 4 yr Training in Rigor and Transparency in research – Reproducibility Progress Report (Table 7: Appointments to TG; Table 8: Outcomes) JS

9 Table 2. Participating Faculty Members
Includes faculty demographics and mentoring activity Identifies Research-related careers of trainees DEMOGRAPHICS MENTORING Table 2 Rationale This information allows reviewers to assess the distribution of participating faculty by rank (junior vs. senior), by research interests, and by department or interdepartmental program. In addition, data on the mentoring records of faculty permit an evaluation of the experience of participating faculty in facilitating the progression of predoctorates and postdoctorates in their careers. The data concisely summarize information about the training faculty. JS

10 Table 4. Research Support of Participating Faculty Members
Table 4 Rationale This table provides evidence of the strength of the research environment, the availability of funds to support research conducted by the trainees, and the appropriateness of the participating faculty in terms of their active research support. JS

11 Table 8. Program Outcomes – for past 15 years
PART 8A – PREDOCTORAL PART 8B – SHORT-TERM PART 8C – POSTDOCTORAL PART 8D - UNDERGRADUATE FOR EACH (A-D) : PART I – Those Appointed to the Training Grant PART II – Those clearly associated with the Training Grant PART III – Recent graduates (new or expanded application only – past 5yr) PART IV - Statistics - calculate % PhD (entered 10 yr ago) calculate average time to degree (past 10 yr) JS

12 Table 8. Program Outcomes – for past 15 years
PART 8A – PREDOCTORAL PART 8B – SHORT-TERM PART 8C – POSTDOCTORAL PART 8D - UNDERGRADUATE PART II – Those clearly associated with the Training Grant Clearly associated: Current predoc students or postdocs “with a training experience identical to those appointed to this grant, but who are supported by other NIH or HHS awards (eg fellowships or research grants).”

13 Sample Table 1. Part I - Predoctoral
Table 1. Census of Participating Departments and Interdepartmental Programs Part I – Predoctoral Part II - Postdoctoral Sample Table Part I - Predoctoral Table 1 Rationale This table provides insight into the environment in which the proposed training will take place. It allows reviewers to assess whether the program has the "critical mass" of trainees and faculty and, in the case of interdepartmental programs, representation/distribution of scientific disciplines, to be effective. JS

14 Use M-FACTIR with xTRACT for NIH TG Applications +

15 M-FACTIR to xTRACT How to Upload Reports from M-FACTIR into xTRACT
Trainees: M-FACTIR Trainee Upload Report Adding Trainees into xTRACT Faculty (Next Roundtable): M-FACTIR Faculty Upload Report Adding Faculty into xTRACT

16 Using M-FACTIR Reports to Assist with NIH Training Grant Applications
Access M-FACTIR M-FACTIR Jamie to begin demo M-FACTIR URL: To request access to M-FACTIR, submit a service request to HITS via or by calling the Service Desk at (734)

17 Using M-FACTIR Reports to Assist with NIH Training Grant Applications
Access M-FACTIR > Reports M-FACTIR Jamie to begin demo

18 Using M-FACTIR Reports to Review and Upload Trainee Details
Access Trainee Report M-FACTIR Jamie to begin demo Today we will be reviewing several reports. We are going to start with the trainee related reports and then move on to the applicants and entrants report. For the sake of this presentation and how the reports work with xTRACT, we are going to start with the trainee upload report, add those trainees into xTRACT and then we’ll run the Trainee report to get additional details about each of the trainees to add into xTRACT.

19 Trainee Report TABLEAU Choose Department Choose Trainee Name


21 Trainee Report Tableau

22 Trainee Report A B C D E F G
Basic Identifiers (Name, , Current Program, eligibility, etc) Trainee Report A B Training history (Programs, Pre/Post, Start/End dates) Mentor history (Names, Pre/Post, Start/End dates) C D Degrees (Type, Dates, Institution, GPA, etc.) E Support during training (Source, Type, Start/End Dates, Dept, Pre/Post, etc.) Post-Training Positions (Position, Institution, Dept, Start/End Dates, etc.) F G Tableau Leave of absence history (Dates)

23 Using M-FACTIR Reports to Review and Upload Trainee Data
Access Trainee Upload Report M-FACTIR Jamie to begin demo Today we will be reviewing several reports. We are going to start with the trainee related reports and then move on to the applicants and entrants report. For the sake of this presentation and how the reports work with xTRACT, we are going to start with the trainee upload report, add those trainees into xTRACT and then we’ll run the Trainee report to get additional details about each of the trainees to add into xTRACT.

24 Trainee Upload Report The Trainee Upload report lists all of the trainees associated with the training grant to upload into xTRACT. An NIH Commons User ID is required for the trainee upload into M-FACTIR Appointed and Clearly Associated trainees are included in this report Appointed Trainees are automatically added in M-FACTIR from institutional sources Clearly associated trainees need to be uploaded into M-FACTIR (Instructions for adding Trainee/Mentor Relationship and uploading Clearly Associated Trainees) The Trainee Name column is for your convenience but it must be deleted prior to the upload into xTRACT Important Tips related to the Trainee Upload report: Jamie to begin demo

25 Trainee Upload Report Select appropriate PAF from the Select PAF dropdown listing. M-FACTIR Trainee Upload Report in Tableau

26 Training Grant Award ID
Trainee Upload Report PAF Dropdown Details Jamie to begin demo Training Grant Award ID PAF ID Award Dates

27 M-FACTIR Trainee Upload Report in Tableau
Jamie to begin demo M-FACTIR Trainee Upload Report in Tableau

28 Trainee Upload Report A C E G I Trainee Name Trainee Type Start Date
(Remove before upload) Trainee Type Start Date Research Topic Faculty Mentor by Commons User Id2 B D F H Commons User Id In-Training Indicator End Date Faculty Mentor by Commons User Id1 End dates with 3999 is used for trainees that are current (no real end date) M-FACTIR Trainee Upload Report in Tableau

29 Trainee Upload Report Download Report to Excel to prepare/edit file for xTRACT Tableau 1 2 Jamie to begin demo 3

30 Trainee Upload Report Prepare File for xTRACT Upload
Jamie to begin demo Trainee Upload file in Excel

31 Trainee Upload Report Prepare File for xTRACT Upload
Tips for Preparing File for xTRACT Upload Update the Date fields to MM/YYYY format from Excel default format Delete trainee rows with no Commons User ID Delete the Trainee Name column and Row Number column Save file as a Tab-Delimited TXT file, required by xTRACT Jamie to begin demo Trainee Upload file in Excel

32 Uploading M-FACTIR Trainees into xTRACT
What is xTRACT?

33 What is xTRACT? Web application, made by NIH (not Michigan Medical School) Accessible via eRA Commons (via Commons ID & password) Simplifies process and reduces workload when creating data tables for training grant applications and progress reports Some data are pre-populated from xTrain, others are manually entered and will be available for reuse in subsequent applications xTRACT is anticipated to be required by NIH for the preparation of training grant data tables in Fiscal Year 2020

34 Accessing xTRACT NIH Commons User ID:
Go to ORSP (Office of Research & Sponsored Projects):

35 xTRACT Training available from NIH
era_videos.cfm#xtract userguide.pdf

36 Accessing xTRACT Sign in with Commons ID Click on xTRACT tab
To Access xTRACT: Sign in with Commons ID Click on xTRACT tab Note xTRACT terminology: ‘RTD’ = Research Training Dataset

37 Accessing xTRACT Search for Training Grant in xTRACT
Select the Training Grants Tab Enter search criteria Click ‘Search Training Grants’ xTRACT 1 2 3

38 Adding Trainees into xTRACT
Search for Training Grant Locate the Training Grant of interest from search results Click on the appropriate button in the Action column xTRACT

39 Adding Department And Program Information into xTRACT
On the Prepare Research Training Dataset (RTD) for Renewal page, select “Participating Trainees” from the RTD menu xTRACT

40 Trainee Upload Report and xTRACT
Uploading Trainee details into xTRACT In xTRACT, navigate to the Participating Trainee section Click the Upload Participating Trainees button Jamie to begin demo Participating Trainee page in xTRACT

41 Trainee Upload Report and xTRACT
Uploading Trainee details into xTRACT Review the notes regarding the upload process Click the Browse button to select the trainee file to be uploaded Jamie to begin demo Upload Participating Trainee page in xTRACT

42 Trainee Upload Report and xTRACT
Upon selecting a file, an Upload Confirmation will display. Click Proceed to continue. After the upload is complete, a notice of a successful upload will display. Jamie to begin demo Upload Participating Trainee page in xTRACT

43 Trainee Upload Report and xTRACT
Confirm Uploaded Trainees: Return to Participating Students page Jamie to begin demo Participating Students page in xTRACT

44 Trainee Upload Report and xTRACT
Trainee Upload Error Example Jamie to begin demo Uploading Participating Student error message in xTRACT

45 Submit xTRACT Feedback to NIH
Questions/comments about xTRACT should be sent to the eRA Service Desk ( Questions about the table instructions should be sent to the NIH Training Mailbox

46 Agenda: TG Admin Support Roundtable Discussion
Open Discussion

47 Agenda: TG Admin Support Roundtable Discussion
Please Complete Evaluation Thank You!


49 NIH T32 Data Tables sample tables with rationales

50 Sample Table 1. Part I - Predoctoral
Table 1. Census of Participating Departments and Interdepartmental Programs Part I – Predoctoral Part II - Postdoctoral Sample Table Part I - Predoctoral Table 1 Rationale This table provides insight into the environment in which the proposed training will take place. It allows reviewers to assess whether the program has the "critical mass" of trainees and faculty and, in the case of interdepartmental programs, representation/distribution of scientific disciplines, to be effective. JS

51 Table 2. Participating Faculty Members
Includes faculty demographics and mentoring activity Identifies Research-related careers of trainees DEMOGRAPHICS MENTORING Table 2 Rationale This information allows reviewers to assess the distribution of participating faculty by rank (junior vs. senior), by research interests, and by department or interdepartmental program. In addition, data on the mentoring records of faculty permit an evaluation of the experience of participating faculty in facilitating the progression of predoctorates and postdoctorates in their careers. The data concisely summarize information about the training faculty. JS

52 Available to Participating Faculty Members
Table 3. Federal Institutional Research Training Grants and Related Support Available to Participating Faculty Members Table 3 Rationale This table will permit an evaluation of the current level of support for related research training and the extent to which the proposed training grant has overlap in participating faculty. This information is useful in assessing the institutional environment and determining the number of training positions to be awarded. JS

53 Table 4. Research Support of Participating Faculty Members
Table 4 Rationale This table provides evidence of the strength of the research environment, the availability of funds to support research conducted by the trainees, and the appropriateness of the participating faculty in terms of their active research support. JS

54 Table 5. Publications of Those in Training
Part 5A – Predoctoral Part 5B – Postdoctoral Table 5 Rationale This information provides an indicator of the ability of each faculty member to foster trainee productivity through generation of publishable results and allows assessment of the research quality and authorship priority of trainees. JS

55 Table 6. Applicants, Entrants, and their Characteristics for the Past Five Years
PART 6A – PREDOCTORAL PART 6B – POSTDOCTORAL Table 6 Rationale These data permit the evaluation of the ability of participating departments/interdepartmental programs to recruit trainees. These data are useful in assessing the selectivity of the admissions process, the competitiveness of the training program, and the appropriate number of training positions to be awarded. JS

56 Table 6. Applicants, Entrants, and their Characteristics for the Past Five Years
PART I – COUNTS PART II – CHARACTERISTICS Table 6A. Predoc Part II – Characteristics - By Year for 5 yr -Begin with the most recently completed year -For each additional year, enter the prior year until all 5 years are completed PRE-DOC CHARACTERISTICS -Prior research experience months for Entrants into your Program -Prior institutions for Entrants into your Program -Disability/ Under-represented minority (URM) for Entrants into your Program -Mean GPA (and range) for each year – For Total applicant pool

57 Table 6. Applicants, Entrants, and their Characteristics for the Past Five Years
PART 6B - POSTDOCTORAL Table 6B. Postdoctoral Part I - Counts -Begin with the most recently completed year -For each additional year, enter the prior year until all 5 years are completed

58 Table 6. Applicants, Entrants, and their Characteristics for the Past Five Years
PART 6B - POSTDOCTORAL Table 6B. Part II – Characteristics POSTDOCS Table 6 Rationale These data permit the evaluation of the ability of participating departments/interdepartmental programs to recruit trainees. These data are useful in assessing the selectivity of the admissions process, the competitiveness of the training program, and the appropriate number of training positions to be awarded.

59 Table 7. Appointments to the Training Grant for Each Year of the Current Project Period
(Renewal/Revision Applications only) Table 7 Rationale For renewal or revision applications, these data permit evaluation of the use of awarded training positions. Note that counts for “Awarded” and “Appointed” trainees will be auto-filled. Counts for the number of “Appointed” trainees will be editable in the event that recent updates are not yet reflected in the system.

60 Table 8. Program Outcomes – for past 15 years
PART 8A – PREDOCTORAL PART 8B – SHORT-TERM PART 8C – POSTDOCTORAL PART 8D - UNDERGRADUATE Table 8 Rationale For new applications, this table provides information on the effectiveness of the proposed training program. For renewal applications, this table provides information about the use of predoctoral training positions (e.g., distribution by faculty member, year in program, years of support per trainee). The data also permit an evaluation of the effectiveness of the supported training program in achieving the training objectives of the prior award period(s) for up to 15 years. JS

61 Table 8. Program Outcomes – for past 15 years
PART 8A – PREDOCTORAL PART 8B – SHORT-TERM PART 8C – POSTDOCTORAL PART 8D - UNDERGRADUATE FOR EACH (A-D) : PART I – Those Appointed to the Training Grant PART II – Those clearly associated with the Training Grant PART III – Recent graduates (new or expanded application only – past 5yr) PART IV - Statistics - calculate % PhD (entered 10 yr ago) calculate average time to degree (past 10 yr) JS

62 Table 8. Program Outcomes – for past 15 years
PART 8A – PREDOCTORAL PART 8B – SHORT-TERM PART 8C – POSTDOCTORAL PART 8D - UNDERGRADUATE PART II – Those clearly associated with the Training Grant Clearly associated: Current predoc students or postdocs “with a training experience identical to those appointed to this grant, but who are supported by other NIH or HHS awards (eg fellowships or research grants).”

63 Table 8. Program Outcomes – for past 15 years

64 Suggested Timeline for NIH Training Grant Preparation - 1
Standard T32 deadlines: Jan 25, May 25, Sept 25 UMich recommends applying yr before end of current funding cycle. One year ahead - Review NIH Instructions for preparing Institutional Training Grants and Data Tables Contact alumni if you haven’t maintained regular contact (15 yr) – get cv: need current position, funding, publications Remind faculty and trainees about upcoming renewal – participation is important One year – six months ahead (start early - can update if necessary before submission) Update Participating Faculty list in M-FACTIR and xTRACT. (New application - initiate PAF first). Contact Participating Departments for Program-specific data on trainees and applicants. Send faculty their individual M-FACTIR profiles for updates, including trainee mentoring. Six months ahead Enter/update Program-specific data in M-FACTIR. Fill in gaps in Program-specific data. Review and confirm institutional data in M-FACTIR. Use Pub-Med to compile trainee publications (via xTRACT). Confirm with trainees and mentors.

65 Suggested Timeline for NIH Training Grant Preparation - 2
Three – six months ahead PI / TG Directors draft text for Research Training Plan, Diversity, RCR, Rigor, Progress Report. Collect faculty biosketches – update in current biosketch format Personal statement can include information on mentoring experience and mentoring activities Collect trainee research progress statements, publications, awards for Progress Report. Transfer data into xTRACT from M-FACTIR reports. Review draft tables as xTRACT pdfs. Fill in gaps in Program-specific data. Prepare Budget and Budget Justification Collect letters of support, other supporting documents One-three months ahead Complete data tables via M-FACTIR and xTRACT adjust table formats as needed - final xTRACT PDFs are attached to application submit Administrative shell, including table drafts and letters of support, to Administration Review and finalize text – be sure text is consistent with tables

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