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Last hour: Particles at step functions

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1 Last hour: Particles at step functions
Ansatz (approach) dependent on region and energy of the particle: classically allowed oscillating solution, classically forbidden exp. decaying solution, WF and its first derivative must be matched at discontinuity Single step from V(x)=0 to V(x)=V0: E > V0 results in partial reflection E ≤ V0 results in complete reflection, but WF penetrates into classically forbidden region (“evanescent wave”)

2 Resonance Scattering < from Cohen-Tannoudji et al. “Quantum Mechanics” >

3 Learning Goals for Chapter 8 – “Rectangular” Potentials
After this chapter, the related homework problems, and reading the relevant parts of the textbook, you should be able to: use the boundary conditions at a step to derive reflection and transmission coefficients; explain the phenomenon of evanescent waves and some examples of their application; explain the phenomenon of tunneling and some examples of its application; explain the phenomenon of resonance scattering.

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