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STEM Education in Sri Lanka128/08/2019. Globally current trend is STEM Cabinet memorandum TRD 2017 August Several Institutions present strategic plan.

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Presentation on theme: "STEM Education in Sri Lanka128/08/2019. Globally current trend is STEM Cabinet memorandum TRD 2017 August Several Institutions present strategic plan."— Presentation transcript:

1 STEM Education in Sri Lanka128/08/2019

2 Globally current trend is STEM Cabinet memorandum TRD 2017 August Several Institutions present strategic plan and proposals regarding STEM (SLAAS, NSF, MOE, COSTI) STEM proposal was forwarded to NEC (2018 October 23) Curriculum reform in 2023 SO WE DECIDED TO DO A STUDY TO DEVELOP CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK. 28/08/2019STEM Education in Sri Lanka2 Future Work Skills of 2020 Source:

3 Related Literature Singapore is today one of the world‘s most globalised nations it has achieved notable economic success Related Literature Singapore is today one of the world‘s most globalised nations it has achieved notable economic success 28/08/2019STEM Education in Sri Lanka3 Addressing the needs of schools in designing integrative STEM units that improve

4 28/08/2019STEM Education in Sri Lanka4

5 528/08/2019 1 To undertake a literature survey, document investigation and in-depth examination find out the strengths and weakness of the current STEM Education in other countries? 2 Based on the findings(1) to develop a conceptual framework for STEM Education to Sri Lankan context 3 To introduce a mechanism to implement STEM Education through a developed conceptual framework.

6 1.What are the strengths and weakness of the current STEM Education in developed and developing countries? 2.Based on the findings(1) what components should be included in developing a conceptual framework for STEM Education to Sri Lankan context? 3.How to implement STEM Education through a developed conceptual framework to Sri Lankan context? 28/08/2019STEM Education in Sri Lanka6

7 28/08/2019STEM Education in Sri Lanka7 Research problem Research Objectives Literature Survey Developing research questions Identifications of research variables Construction of research design Designing tools for data collection Designing plan for data analysis Collection of data Data processing and interpretation Conclusion and recommendation Writing of research findings Writing research report ResearchDesign

8 To promote STEM education though a conceptual framework We have proposed to adopt a holistic approach through six strategies as follows: (1)Developing a STEM curriculum. (2)Enriching learning activities for students; (3)Providing learning and teaching resources; (4)Enhancing the professional development of schools and teachers; (5)Strengthening partnerships with community key stakeholders; and (6)Conducting review and disseminating good practices. 28/08/2019STEM Education in Sri Lanka8

9 928/08/2019 1. Developing a conceptual framework for STEM education 2.Conducting the first validation of the model development design through focus group discussion (FGD). 3.Improving the model based on the FGD results. The revised model will be called the hypothetical model. 4.Conducting a second validation or model feasibility validation by testing the hypothetical model in three vocational colleges in Sri Lanka. 5.Model feasibility validation will be expanded to 10 slected pilot schools. Improvements will be made according to the results of these validation tests.

10 28/08/2019STEM Education in Sri Lanka10 NoName of the activityMonth/Year 2019 -2020 Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4 1Literature Survey July 2Designing MaterialsAug 3Collecting DataOct- Jan 2020 4Analysis of DataJan - Feb 5Writing upFeb -March 6Draft of the reportApril 7Proof reading May 8Final Report 10th July Time Frame

11 28/08/2019STEM Education in Sri Lanka11 Funding Agent – National Institute of Education Project Period - 11 th July 2019 - 10 th July 2020 Budget Period - 11 th July 2019 – 10 th July 2020 ( one year budget ) PartActivitiesDurationExpenditure Fromto 1Approval the proposal11th July 201920 th July 201975,000 1Preparation of instruments21th July 201921st August 2019 300,000 Data collection22th August 201923rd February 2020 2Preparation of findings and draft report 24 th February 202030 th June 2020100,000 3Final Report and Dissemination1May 2020 10 th July 202025,000

12 28/08/2019STEM Education in Sri Lanka12 ActivityBudget (Rs.) 1 Literature review 30,000.00 2 Preparation of tool 25,000.00 3 Travel expenses300,000.00 4 Visit schools and Institutions Interview with teachers/recorders 40,000.00 5 Research materials copies and print 15,000.00 6 Analyzing data 20,000.00 7 Preparation of report/proof reading 50,000.00 8 Extra expenditure 20,000.00 Total500,000.00 Estimated budget of the proposed research project C1. Total Amount : Rs. 500,000

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