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Kansas Health Science Teachers

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1 Kansas Health Science Teachers
Updates & Information Kansas Health Science Teachers

2 From “A Cross Section of Vocational Education in Kansas, 1925-26”


4 Health & BIO science Cluster Review Committee
Secondary Committee Members Kim Coover, Herington Janell Wood, Topeka Connie Gandy, Shawnee Mission  Rob Archibald, Maize Sheena Shoemaker, Maize Peggy Kleiber, Salina Laura Benscheidt, Hutchinson Dawn Bankston, Derby Michael Pelton, Dodge City Kristie Kennedy, Olathe Barbra Gonzalez, Olathe Post-Secondary Committee Members Shawna Jordan, Kansas State University Michelle Shipley, Washburn University Business and Industry Members Michelle Jones, Stormont-Vail Seth Nutt, Kansas Area Health Education Center MEETING DATES Cluster Review Committee Meeting October 17, 2018 Cluster Review Committee Meeting December 4, 2018 Cluster Review Committee Meeting February 6, 2019


6 HS Cluster Review First Meeting: Oct 17
12 Committee members: Teachers, B & I, post-secondary Outcomes for Cluster Review: *B/I, Post-secondary, Secondary will: 1. Adopt Cluster Standards 2. Adopt Pathway Standards 3. Review/Revise Course Competencies 4. Review/Revise Pathway Design

7 HEALTH SCIENCE PATHWAY | Summary of Changes
Deleted Courses: Health Science IB Course Human Body Systems Course Health Science II Course Medical Terminology II Course Forensic Science Course Forensic Science Comprehensive Course Medical Imaging B Course Biotechnology IA Course Biotechnology IB Course Principles of Biomed Science Course Nursing I Course Nursing II Course Biomedical Innovation Course Biotechnology II Course Health Science III

8 HEALTH SCIENCE PATHWAY | Summary of Changes
Renamed Courses: Course Health Science IV is renamed as Health Care Work Experience (1 cr.) Course Health Science V is renamed as Health Care Work Experience (2 cr.) Added Courses: Course Pharmacy Technician is added to the pathway Course Dental Assistant is added to the pathway Course Emergency Medical Tech. II (EMT II) is added to the pathway 1. Pathway Name Change: Business Management & Entrepreneurship Pathway. 2. Business Communications is now a course required for Pathway approval. Business Economics has been moved to an optional technical supportive course. 3. The technical supportive course two credit limit has been removed. 4. Two courses, Engineering Design & Development and Consumer and Personal Finance, have been added to the optional technical courses. 5


10 HEALTH SCIENCE CLUSTER | Summary of Changes
BioMedical Deleted Courses: BioMedical Added Courses: Course / Engineering Applications Course / Engineering Tech Course HealthCare Sciences – Other Course Chemistry – Introductory level Course Applications in Biotechnology in Ag – Application Level


12 HEALTH SCIENCE CLUSTER | Summary of Changes
BioChemistry Deleted Courses: BioChemistry Added Courses: Course 21002/71002 Engineering Applications Course / Engineering Technology Course Wildlife Management Course Marine Science Course IB Environmental Systems Course Human Body Systems Course Environmental Law Course Plant Science has been added as an alternate offering to course Plant and Soil Science Course Research in Environmental Science and Engineering Course Plant Science has been added as an alternate offering to course Plant and Soil Science

13 Teaching HS Classes Competencies have been developed for ALL classes in this pathway. Classes may require specialized teacher certification and/or offer professional certification. (Sports Medicine, EMT,CNA) There is no prescribed or required curriculum by the State or KSDE. This is a local option.

14 Teaching Resources Talk to other Health Science teachers across the state. Contact local post-secondary institutions and work with faculty. Use your advisory committee members and other professionals as speakers, knowledge in area and resources. WBL Toolkit

15 Teaching Resources Now accepting more mentees! Here's why you should join a mentoring team: You can network at no cost, and have support as you transition into your role as a classroom teacher. You are provided confidential feedback in order to achieve continuous improvement in your classroom and laboratory instruction. You'll receive content specific learning opportunities within your content area. You will take part in one-on-one instruction based on your exact needs, as well as group instruction in an online network. You will meet Kansas state requirements for mentoring to obtain your license. If you think you could benefit from having an experienced CTE Mentor, sign up below! Spots fill quickly! Important dates: Friday, August 9th – last day for guaranteed placement Monday, August 19th – Mentor/mentee matches complete Friday, September 13 – deadline for all mentoring requests Contact Kevin for information

16 Teaching Resources Mini-Medical School: What is Mini Medical School?
KU Medical Center and Kansas State University have created 7 modules with corresponding lectures on different aspects of the health field. Each module includes hands-on, teacher-developed activity with supplies included. The modules include the following topics:  Orthopedics & Sports Medicine  Brain Function  The Ear & Hearing  Malaria Influenza  Diabetes, Obesity, Nutrition Exercise    Tobacco Prevalance  Disaster Response

17 Health Science Info KSDE Health Science Listserv – Wendy Coates to be added for updates and Perkins reserve grants. Kansas Health Science Teachers FB - Pathway Applications: Nov 15 – March 1

18 Upcoming Professional Development
KSDE Workshops Sept. 4 - Hays, FHSU, Memorial Union, Stouffer Lounge Sept. 5 - Dodge City - Dodge City CC, Student Union, Board Room Sept Wichita - WSU South Campus Lecture Hall (C132) Sept Salina - KSU Polytechnic Sept Pittsburg - PSU, Ballroom A Sept Topeka - Washburn Tech, Conference Center Sept Goodland - NW Tech NCHSE Conference St Louis, Nov. 6-8

19 Upcoming Professional Development
ESSDACK – Anatomy in Clay Workshop September Badge Platform Many Health Science related modules available – great exploration tool and study resource

20 Carl D. Perkins Grants Regular Perkins: Federal funds given to states and then distributed to districts to improve and update CTE. Perkins Reserve: Grants awarded by KSDE consultants to teachers & districts for projects, equipment & supply purchase, professional development, and more. Watch Listserv for applications.

21 National Consortium for Health Science Educators - NCHSE
Kansas is a member state. National standards for health science. Provides assessment for all seniors who are concentrators in the HS pathway. ($12 per student exam)

22 National Consortium for Health Science Educators - NCHSE
NEW! Health Science Educators Association Member benefits will be provide direct contact to classroom teachers reinforcing the use of the National Health Health Standards, offering professional development, and delivering classroom resources.

23 Health Science CTSO Seth Nutt -
HOSA provides a unique program of leadership development, motivation, and recognition exclusively for students enrolled in health science education and biomedical science programs. HOSA Fall Leadership Conference October 16th Topeka, KS Seth Nutt -

24 What do you need? What do you need for pedagogy?
What do you need for technical skills? What do you need for community? What do you need for resources? What do you need for partnerships?

25 ?Questions? Wendy Coates 785-296-3860
KSDE Health Science Web Page:

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