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On-line applications for Fall 2019 is now OPEN. On-line applications for Fall 2019 opens August 27, 2018 and closes on May 31, 2019. (Interested students must apply on-line, attend orientation and see a dental assisting advisor –signed degree plan. If you don’t follow through with process you must re-apply.)

2 Please check back for updates.
Subject to Change… Please note: The Dental Assisting Program reserves the right to make changes to the information on this powerpoint (changes may be due to CODA ADA Accreditation or Alamo Colleges updates). Please check back for updates. Updated last on May 20, 2019

3 Associate of Applied Science ~ 60 hours Certificate ~ 33 hours
Students meeting these basic requirements and Complio will be accepted on a first come first served basis. ***One of eight ACCREDITED Dental Assisting Programs in Texas. The program in dental assisting is accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation. The Commission is a specialized accrediting body recognized by the United States Department of Education. The Commission on Dental Accreditation can be contacted at (312) or at 211 East Chicago Avenue, Chicago, IL The Commission's web address is:  The Dental Assisting Program is a 12 month, fall-entry only, full-time day program with limited enrollment (24 students). Block Schedule Fall and spring classes and labs times varies from semester to semester.

Although not recommended we understand that it is sometimes necessary for students to work therefore: It is highly recommended that DNTA students work no more than twenty (20) hours per week while enrolled in the dental assisting program. Scholastic standards must be maintained and course requirements must be met during periods of employment. The performance of the student when working for remuneration is the legal responsibility of the employing agency and the individual student.

5 Procedures and policies that include a high-school diploma or its equivalent, or post-secondary degree The Dental Assisting Program is a 12 month, Fall-entry only, full-time day program with limited enrollment (24 students). The program in dental assisting is accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation. The Commission is a specialized accrediting body recognized by the United States Department of Education. The Commission on Dental Accreditation can be contacted at (312) or at 211 East Chicago Avenue, Chicago, IL The Commission's web address is:  The mission of the program is to provide for and support competency-based learning for a multicultural community. As one of the accredited Dental Assisting Programs in Texas, the program is committed to excellence in helping to meet the diverse needs of both traditional and nontraditional students. The program seeks to provide each student with the essential knowledge and skills necessary to become a functional dental team member and meet the requirements of the national examining entity.  IMPORTANT: Students are required to submit an online application and attend a group advisement which includes a PowerPoint presentation with a Dental Assisting program faculty member. Students with high-school diploma or its equivalent (GED), or post- secondary degree desiring admission into Dental Assisting program courses must review checklist

6 Phase One: Allied Health Department Requirement- DNTA Students desiring admission into Dental Assisting program courses MUST submit and complete all of the following for fall admission An application for formal admission San Antonio College (Apply Texas). Complete Dental Assisting Program online application website before deadline.  Submit official sealed transcripts to Admission and Records Office Meet the program’s entry-level competencies which are completion of MATH or a TSI score of 337 or higher for the Certificate Level I. Completion of MATH 0320 or a TSI score of 350 or higher or college level math, INRW 0420 or TSI-English: Essay 5 and Reading 351 for the AAS. This can be accomplished by scoring appropriately on the TSI test or taking and passing the courses.  A GPA of 2.75 or better with particular attention given to grades in science subjects. Provide a copy of unofficial transcript for advisement. Written proof of an advisement/degree plan signed by a faculty member of the dental assisting program

7 Phase Two: Program Specific Requirements
Must submit proof of: Pre-Program Requirements:  Take and pass CPR-BLS Provider and submit copy of current CPR card to Complio. Note: CPR is required for State and National Certificates (CPR-Basic Life Support (BLS) Provider) or be enrolled in KINE First Aid - Responding to Emergencies and take and pass CPR-BLS Provider in class. A completed program health assessment policy packet which includes:  A completed updated immunization record including Hepatitis B series (Hep B completed (3) or is in progress, needing only #3 in the series to be completed); PPD/TB screen (within one year); Td booster (if applicable); MMR; DPT. Additionally, Varicella or official documentation by a physician indicating active disease. Proof of completed background check. (Complio) Proof of completed drug screening. (Complio) Students must provide proof of health insurance-throughout program. (Complio) Dental prophylaxis with current dental examination with interproximal radiographs (4). A signed order for x-rays (18 fmx/pano) from your dentist indicating that you may have radiographs taken on you. Proof of ADAA Membership (fall and spring requirements) Note: CPR is required for State and National Certificates. (CPR- BLS Provider).

8 Pre-program REQUIRED Immunization Records ~Phase Two
Must submit proof (Complio) of: Diphtheria-Pertussis-Tetanus (DPT, DTaP, DT) Tetanus (Td) Polio (IPV) Tuberculin Skin Test (TBC or PPD-within one year) Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) Hepatitis B Series (3) Chicken Pox (Varicella) .

9 Phase Three: Program Specific Requirements
Students entering the Dental Assisting Program will receive notification from the program office by and must: Attend the mandatory orientation meeting in the summer prior to enrollment in classes. Purchase of required textbooks and supplies. Purchase of required scrubs.

10 Program Entry Level Competencies
Certificate Level I (Block Scheduling) Certificate Level I –completion of one of the following Math 0410 TSI score of 337 or higher Certificate Level I -completion of INRW 0420 level or TSI equivalent (TSI Reading 351 or higher, TSI English Essay 5) ***In addition, Technical Education Courses (33)

11 Technical Education Courses Fall Semester (17 hours-Block Scheduling)
DNTA Dental Materials DNTA Dental Radiology DNTA Dental Science DNTA Dental Assisting Applications DNTA Chairside Assisting DNTA Practicum- Dental Assistant (32 weeks ; Hours~ fall and spring) Please Note: Some practicum sites charge up to $ for parking and name badge. Budget accordingly!

12 Technical Education Courses Spring Semester (14 hours)
DNTA Dental Laboratory Procedures DNTA 1245 Preventive Dentistry DNTA Dental Radiology in the Clinic DNTA Dental Office Management DNTA Advanced Dental Assisting Applications DNTA Emergency Management

13 Technical Education Courses Special Summer Session (2 hours)
DNTA Seminar for the Dental Assistant DNTA Practicum - Dental Assistant (a total 300 hour which includes hours from DNTA 1167) Practicum is a FULL time committment. It is a CLASS, not a paying job. Please Note: Some practicum sites charge up to $ for parking and name badge. Budget accordingly!

14 Program Entry Level Competencies
Associate of Applied Science A.A.S. -completion of one of the following would satisfy Math 0320 TSI score of 350 or higher college level math. A.A.S., -completion of one of the following would satisfy INRW 0420 level or TSI equivalent Eng 1301 or higher ***In addition, technical education courses (33) and general education courses (27).

15 Program Entry Level Competencies
Associate of Applied Science ***In addition, general education courses (27) required: ENGL Freshman Composition I ENGL Freshman Composition II SPCH Intro to Speech Communication ITSC Introduction to Computers PSYC General Psychology BIOL Nutrition KINE First Aid - Responding to Emergencies SOCI 1301 Introduction to Sociology Choice of (1) Humanities Course- 40 Core ***In addition, Technical Education Courses (33)

16 Complio Effective Fall 2016, all required documentation, with the exception of official college transcript, will be uploaded by the applicant to a compliance and immunization screening company website, Complio. This company will screen the submitted documents and notify the student if anything is missing. The Allied Health Department will no longer perform the screening of individual documents. This contracted service is expected to be $ (price subject to change). According to American Databank, a student subscription is broken up into three sections 1. The tracking and uploading portion$40.00 which handles the immunization compliance and tracking x-rays, and the ADAA card. 2. The background check is has two options, the first one is a bundle. This bundle is the one that has to be purchased by students because it contains both the drug screen and background check for $93 The student needs to only attain option 1 and 2 for a grand total of $133. 3. The other option is a drug screen only and should only be purchased if the student needs to take a new drug screen for any reason. This costs $36 and is not factored into the subscription package.

17 Complio Continuation…
DO NOT START Complio until instructed to do so by a Dental Assisting faculty. Performance of Background Check (A positive criminal background may prevent an applicant from obtaining RDA. The Dental Assisting program has nothing to do with the TSDBE decision.) Performance of Drug Screen Immunization Record Review Documentation Review Verification of CPR Card and health insurance ADAA Membership

18 Access to the Complio Access to the Complio website to create an account and upload the required documentation will be provided to accepted applicants. Please ensure that the program has a working telephone number and your alamo address.

19 Other Requirements Continued:
***Please note: A positive criminal background may prevent an applicant from obtaining RDA . The Dental Assisting program has nothing to do with the TSDBE decision. All applicants with a positive criminal background report must submit an appeal to the Texas State Board of Dental Examiners and obtain a written waiver before enrollment in the program…see advisor. uationRDH.html

20 Please Note: Acceptance to the Dental Assisting Program will be on a first come first served basis. Students accepted into the dental assisting program will be notified to their Alamo address. The phase two packet must be submitted to complio by the deadline in order to move to phase three. Any incoming students who DID NOT yet met all required phases by program deadline must re-apply online and be re-advised by the program. Admittance into the program is on a space available basis. It is the student’s responsibility to check eligibility and acceptance status to the dental assisting program.

21 Continuation… NOTE: Any incoming students who HAVE NOT yet met all required phases by program deadline must re-apply online and be re-advised by the program. Admittance into the program is on a space available basis. It is the student’s responsibility to check eligibility and acceptance status to the dental assisting program. Student not meeting these basic requirements will be referred to the Counselors at the Health and Biosciences Institute. Should a student withdraw, fail, or drop, for whatever reason, he/she must reapply and be re-advised by dental faculty.

22 “C” or Better/ Completion Policy
In order to go to spring semester, you must have a “C” or better in ALL fall dental assisting classes. If a student earns a “D” in any DNTA class, drops a DNTA class or if the student is unable to complete DNTA 1167 Practicum during the fall semester; the student must schedule an advisement with their instructor immediately and drop all DNTA courses (full time curriculum). In order to go to summer semester, you must have a “C” or better in ALL spring dental assisting classes. If a student earns a “D” in any DNTA class, drops a DNTA class or if the student is unable to complete DNTA 1167 Practicum during the spring semester; the student must schedule an advisement with their instructor immediately and drop all DNTA courses (full time curriculum). Students must pass both summer courses with a “C” or better to complete the program. Please note: should a student withdraw, fail, or drop, for whatever reason, he/she must re-apply and be re-advised by a dental faculty, pending review of application, records, GPA and space availability for the following fall semester. Please note: all pre-program requirements must be updated, retaken and uploaded to Complio (CPR: BLS Provider, background check, drug screening, current immunizations, health Insurance and ADAA membership). It is the student’s responsibility to keep in contact with their instructor, check eligibility, acceptance status, registering for their classes, expiration dates on immunization, CPR and ADAA membership. Students will not be allowed to enroll in practicum if they fail to comply. All certificates will be held until all required DNTA classes are passed. ALL State Exams must be retaken once readmitted to program. Please refer back to Texas State Board of Dental Examiners for expiration dates of exams.

23 REQUIRED 20 Observation Hours
The Dental Assisting Program only accepts 24 students (cohort) per year. Effective Fall 2016, all students interested in the program are Required to observe 20 hours in a General Dentistry office prior to acceptance into program (must document hours, attach office business card of where you observed and have signed by dentist or office manager). The program, along with our dental assisting advisory board, feel this will help with student perseverance in the program and give the applicant a better sense of the role the dental assistant plays in a dental office. Hours must be completed by deadline.

24 Dental Assisting Deadline
Deadline to turn in Phase One required information is TBA by 3:00 p.m. Deadline for Phase Two is TBA by 3:00p.m.. NOTE: Should a student withdraw, fail, or drop, for whatever reason, he/she is re-apply online and must be re-advised by a member of the dental assisting faculty. Any incoming students who HAVE NOT met all phase requirements by the program deadline must re-apply online for the following fall semester and be re-advised. Admittance into the program is on a space available basis. It is the student responsibility to check eligibility and acceptance status with the dental assisting program.

25 Transfer Credit Policy
To meet the requirements of an Associate of Applied Science degree or certificate, only those technical courses in which a “C” or better has been earned may be applied to meet the requirements in the academic plan. This policy applies to all degree plans. Credit may be transferred to the Alamo Colleges from institutions of higher education please check college website. The Alamo Colleges District Center for Student Information (CSI) works with the college to verify an institution’s accreditation status and for processing existing course equivalencies. Traditional classroom instruction and credit by examination are the basis on which transferred credit is recognized. A minimum of 25% of the required semester credit hours toward a degree or certificate must be completed at the college of the Alamo Colleges District granting the degree or certificate. Courses taken ten (10) or more years prior to a student’s last enrollment at a college in the Alamo Colleges District will not count as semester credit hours toward the award of the degree or certificate in the Applied Science area of major concentration. These courses will only be transferred or credited as elective credits towards the fulfillment of degree/certificate requirements. However, a student may petition for an exception, which will be evaluated and awarded as determined by the program lead with approval by the VPAS.

26 Transfer Advising Guides
Students interested in transferring can refer to Alamo College website for Transfer Advising Guides. The guides show the University’s degree plan and which courses Alamo Colleges District offers.  They also provide valuable information about special requirements or considerations for transfer (e.g., grade requirements specific courses, when is the optimal time to transfer, etc.). See your college’s eCatalog for a listing of AAS degrees and certificates. by University   by AlamoINSTITUTE:  Six New Institutes, Countless Pathways We’ve organized all our programs and courses into six Alamo Institutes that match students’ areas of interest with career goals giving you a clear path to the career goal you have in mind. It’s designed to help you take control of planning for your future. This new approach will save you time by guiding you to take only the courses you need, either to be job-ready when you graduate from one of the Alamo Colleges District or to transfer to a university. It also saves you money, because you don’t pay for courses you don’t need or take more credit hours than you need to graduate or transfer. by Pre-Major   Additional Transfer Advising Guides will be made available as they are finalized with unversities

27 Dental Assisting Advisement
Fill out top of your degree plan. Print clearly! Make sure to give us a current working phone number and your alamo colleges address. (You must check your alamo address daily, we will be communicating with you via your alamo address. Please note sometimes our will go into your junk or spam mail.)

28 Transcripts Highlight ALL related courses on your transcript that are on your degree plan that apply to our program.


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