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Primary Succession.

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1 Primary Succession


3 In your notebook write…
Rock 0 years Bare rocks nothing is here


5 In notebook write… 2. Lichen / Moss [{ Pioneer Species}] 5 years
No soil needed Lichens and weather cause erosion to break down rocks into small pieces Lichens die and decompose adding nutrients to the soil


7 In notebook 9 write… 3. Simple Plants Ex. Weeds and ferns 6-8 years
Shallow soil allows plants to live Simple plants die, adding more nutrients and building up soil

8 Biodiversity increases ex(s): grasses, small shrubs,
Small Shrubs (10-25 years) Insects, smalls birds, and mammals move in. Biodiversity increases ex(s): grasses, small shrubs,

9 In notebook write… 4. Grass and Shrubs 10-25 years
Insects, small birds, and mammals move in. Grass and shrubs die and add nutrients, soil builds up

10 Intermediate Species

11 In notebook write… 5. Young Trees 50-100 years
Animals continue to move in. Trees grow increasing the factors needed to support a larger biodiversity.

12 7. 5. 2. 3. 1. 6. 4.

13 In notebook write… 6. Mature Trees 150 years
Biodiversity steadily increases as there are more habitats, and food sources for organisms. 7. Climax Community 300 years Stable group of plants and animals *****Not always big trees!***** Ex. Grasses in prairies or cacti in the desert.

14 Timeline of Primary Succession
Rocks= 0 years Lichen/Moss= 5 years Simple Plants= 6-8 years Grass & Shrubs= years Young trees= years Mature trees= 150 years Climax community= 300 years

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