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1 Aligning your Business Architecture Views for a Coherent Organizational Governance
Please click to visualize next… Captures the tactical and strategic goals that drive an organization forward ; goals are mapped to metrics that provide ongoing evaluation Strategies A Goal-Driven Alignment Describes the primary business activities of an enterprise and the pieces of the organization that perform those functions -”what” a business does (outcomes and service levels) that creates value for customers Capabilities Defines the end-to-end set of activities that deliver value to external and internal stakeholders – transcending organizational boundaries. key aspect that enables alignment of business processes that transcend functional and organizational boundaries with the business architecture Value Streams (Processes) Establishes the shared semantics (e.g., customer, order, supplier) that the organization relies upon to communicate and structure the understanding of the areas they operate within Knowledge Captures the relationships among roles, capabilities and business units, decomposition of those business units into subunits, and the internal or external management of those units Organizational IT Systems The Business Architecture Views (OMG’s BASIG) Views Adapted from the OMG’s Business Architecture Special Interest Group Birol Berkem © GooBiz 2011/2012 How to align these views to assure a coherent organizational evolution ?

2 Use ‘Balanced ScoreCards’ / ‘Strategy Map’ techniques to specify
Governance Perspectives Shareholder requests “What we do have to improve…" Branding displayed to customers Tactical and process level KPIs to specify here… “What we have to do to enhance “value creation” © Birol Berkem GooBiz 2011/2012 How to implement such governance perspectives ?

3 Start by linking Business Goals toward Processes … (using the OMG’s Business Motivation Model standard) <<Titre du cours>> Tactic level KPIs  Process level KPIs  © Birol Berkem GooBiz 2011/2012 A Repository is necessary to define concepts (Glossary) and links

4 (based on process level KPIs)
Prepare a Repository of Business Architecture Items BUSINESS GOAL STRATEGY Tactic level KPIs TACTIC BUSINESS PROCESS SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS (based on process level KPIs) © Birol Berkem GooBiz 2011/2012

5 Establish initial governance links for the Impact Analysis (1/3)
© Birol Berkem GooBiz 2011/2012 How to consider missing business capabilities and capitalize on them for a coherent evolution ? (*)A business capability defines “what” a business does (outcomes and service levels) that creates value for customers (Ulrich Homann - Microsoft)

6 Visitor [Registration]
Structure ‘Business Capabilities’ to ‘better capitalize on them’  in face of changes (2/3) {Tactical Constraint} to apply to the Business Capability Visitor [Registration] Inside each business capability, a Goal-Driven Business Service (GDBS) orchestrates its execution and communication with other capabilities according to required outcomes and service levels © Birol Berkem GooBiz 2011/2012

7 « VISITOR [REGISTRATION]» to be impacted by tactical constraints
Look for ‘Business Capabilities’ that have to be impacted (3/3) CAPABILITY *BUSINESS CAPABILITY « PRODUCT [PRESENTATION] » to be impacted by tactical constraints CAPABILITY CAPABILITY CAPABILITY *BUSINESS CAPABILITY « ORDER [REGISTRATION] » to be impacted by tactical constraints *BUSINESS CAPABILITY « VISITOR [REGISTRATION]» to be impacted by tactical constraints (*) A business capability defines “what” a business does (outcomes and service levels) that creates value for customers (Ulrich Homann – Microsoft) © Birol Berkem GooBiz 2011/2012

8 <<Titre du cours>>
Evaluate the Impacts of the Changes until Business Processes New Constraint on the Business Goal Impact on Strategy Tactical Impact on the underlying Business Capability IMPACT on this PROCESS IMPACT on this second PROCESS Potential IMPACT on this third PROCESS © Birol Berkem GooBiz 2011/2012

9 Adapt Organization Process Descriptions to support ‘Changes’
Changes are expressed using {constraints} on the Business Capabilities Process Actions are to be reconfigured by considering new contraints Business processes realize business capabilities being supervized by their GDBS in order to bring required outcomes and service levels © Birol Berkem GooBiz 2011/2012

10 1. Specify Governance Perspectives
Steps for a Coherent Organizational Governance using the Business Architecture Views 2. Link Goals, Strategies toward business processes 1. Specify Governance Perspectives 3. Structure ‘Business Capabilities’ to capitalize on for a coherent evolution 6. Adapt Organization Process Descriptions to support requested ‘Changes’ 4. Establish governance links using ‘Business Capabilities’ 5. Evaluate Impacts of the Changes on the Existing Processes © Birol Berkem GooBiz 2011/2012

11 <<Titre du cours>>
More complete Agile Enterprise Modeling and SOA Trainings with BMM, BPMN, UML, SysML and SoaML standards… © 2011 / 2012– <<Titre du cours>> Increasing Business Agility with the Goal-Driven SOA (1 day) Goal-Driven SOA Design using EA (3 days on site) Goal-Driven Agile Business Modeling with BMM, BPMN and SOAML using EA (3 days on site) Efficient Requirement Analysis with UML 2 using EA Component Based System Design with UML 2 using EA (2 days on site) Embedded System Design with UML 2 and SysML using EA IS Urbanization (2 days on site) to :

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