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Guidelines for developing your abstract

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1 Guidelines for developing your abstract
Abstracts should be no more than 250 words (excluding references) All abstracts must be written in English The abstract title should be concise and clearly define the content of the proposed poster Up to three references may be cited (but are not essential) and these must me provided using the Harvard referencing system. Authors names should be clear, all authors should give permission for the abstract If the authors or work is associated with an organisation this should be clear Abstracts should be structured as follows: Background & aims of the piece of work Methods: what you did Results: what you achieved Discussion, conclusions and implications How to submit an abstract All abstracts should be submitted as a word document by to: Deadline for submission is 4pm on Friday 27th of September. Abstracts will be judged by the scientific committee and applicants will be informed as to whether the poster has been chosen by 4 pm on the 4th of October. Tuesday 22nd October 2019 Education Centre (Dept 17), The Christie, Manchester, M20 4BX Criteria and guidance for poster abstract submission Abstracts are now invited for poster presentations which address the complexities of delivering Advanced Therapies in an NHS setting including: Malignant and non-malignant indications Manufacturing issues Commissioning of ATMPs Governance and Education Toxicity Management

2 Poster Guidelines Posters should include the following:
Your poster must be prepared as an A1 sized poster in portrait format. All posters must be size A1 in portrait orientation. Please note, that due to space restrictions we are unable to accept alternative sizes or orientations. Posters should include the following: Your name(s) and organisations including any logo of the organisation (including an contact address) The background & aims of the piece of work Your methods … what you did The results … what you achieved or found Short bullets or a short paragraph about the conclusions you drew or the implications of your work Posters must contain a clear message and content that is relevant and concise. Individuality and flair is positively encouraged. We encourage you to go for something eye catching and colourful. Poster Presentations: All posters must be printed by your own organisation. There will be a prize for the best poster on display. It is the responsibility of poster presenters to print and transport their own posters to the conference. Delegates should arrive early on the day and will have the opportunity to put up posters from 8.30am. Judging will take place during the lunch hour. You will be required to stand close to your poster to answer any queries from delegates or judges regarding your research. Poster boards will be made available at the event to display selected posters. Applicant should remove their poster at the end of the conference otherwise the poster will be disposed of.

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