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Write a pitch to Lord Sugar to invest in your ugly doll design

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Presentation on theme: "Write a pitch to Lord Sugar to invest in your ugly doll design"— Presentation transcript:

1 Write a pitch to Lord Sugar to invest in your ugly doll design
Write a pitch to Lord Sugar to invest in your ugly doll design. Why should he buy into your product? Produce a guide to explain how to use 5 different types of equipment in the textiles workshop. Create a collage or moodboard of inspiration for ugly dolls. Select 3 pictures of different soft toys. Create a table. Write down all the features of the Soft toys and explain which is your favourite and why. For one of the techniques you have used, develop a storyboard to show the process step by step. Create a poster advertising your ugly doll as a seasonal toy. Analyse a soft toy for a baby. Find the cost, features and fabrics. How does it compare to a soft toy sold on mothers day. Watch an episode of the Great British Sewing Bee. What new things did you learn. Write this up. Look at the labels of 5 soft toys. Make a list of the different symbols you find and find their meanings.

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