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Type: Breakout | Track: Enterprise | Level: Intermediate

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2 Type: Breakout | Track: Enterprise | Level: Intermediate
Solving Typical Enterprise MES Architecture with Sepasoft Type: Breakout | Track: Enterprise | Level: Intermediate

3 AGENDA About Us New MES Solutions Roadmap Jason

4 About Us Jason

5 ABOUT US The Basics Started creating MES modules for Ignition in 2010
Healthy year-over-year growth Solutions are used in Batch, Discrete, and Continuous manufacturing environments Provides MES solutions for Automotive, Pharmaceutical, Food and Beverage, Mining, Steel Industry, among others Mixed HMI, SCADA, & MES Jason

6 ABOUT US Built on ISA-95 A standard for building enterprise manufacturing solutions Developed to be applied in all industries and every type of process (batch, continuous, discrete, and repetitive) Creates a consistent terminology that provides a foundation for supplier and manufacturer communications Manufacturing Enterprise Solution Association (MESA) Jason

7 New MES Solutions Jason

8 NEW MES SOLUTIONS Functional Categories Ignition Perspective MQTT
OEE Light Material Location Business Connector Enterprise 2.0 Jason

9 IGNITION 8.0 Perspective MES Component Upgrade
Production components (targeted for 8.0 release) Remaining components (following 8.0 release) Jason This is exciting because now clients are not dependent on the JRE Existing vision components will be supported for the foreseeable future. Production components Downtime table, timing chart, run director, schedule selections, ?

10 MQTT and OEE Common Problems Communication to Field Devices
Device protocols increase the load on the server WAN outages cause gaps in OEE data Higher network load Security On-prem Servers Backups and system maintenance Disaster recovery Jason Taking a look at OEE without MQTT there are some common pain points that exist. Device protocols increase the load on the server Communications with PLC devices using native protocols are based on a polling rate and the same data is read over and over. The driver in Ignition must handle all of the minute details of theses communication and increases the load on the server. It can be offloaded to another server but at a increased cost. WAN outages cause gaps in OEE data Events that occur during the WAN outage are simple lost. Higher network load The constant chatter to tens or even hundreds of devices requires more network bandwidth. If a WAN and VPN is being used, then it is even more of a concern. Security Because the requests for data is initiated from the server, ports must be opened to the outside world. Many of the legacy devices don’t have authentication and outsiders could read data from or, even worse, write data to the field devices. Backups and system maintenance It makes sense to centrally locate any servers we can to reduce costs. Handling backups at a remote site is not fun. Remote support is more difficult. Recovering on-prem servers after a disaster takes longer and can affect production.

11 MQTT and OEE PLC Machine “1” PLC Machine “2” PLC Machine “3” PLC
Edge Device PLC Machine “1” Edge Device PLC Machine “2” Edge Device PLC Machine “3” Edge Device PLC Machine “n” MQTT Servers Remote Factory Jason


13 OEE Light Common Problems Reduced Requirement Scheduling is not needed
Work orders are not needed Cost Pilot cost Very small facilities (limited equipment) Jason Reduced Requirements Schedule and WO are not needed Just basic functionality is need and the standard OEE version is and overkill Cost With OEE, ROI is sometime difficult to determine until it is tried and some results are collected. Kinda a catch 22 Some facilities are so small, they don’t need the bells and whistles.

14 OEE Light Features General Lightweight (can run on Ignition Edge)
Additional Factors (Limited to 5) Shift control (Tag or Ignition Schedule) Integrated Database 1GB (depending on system resources) Backup Utility OEE and Downtime Supports multiple cells and cell groups under a single primary machine All downtime detection methods supported Jason General Can run on an Ignition edge device or full sized system. Still can track data in addition to the OEE downtime data using additional factors. Such as maintenance crew, building humidity, raw material vendor, etc. It is just limited to 5 additional factors Tag values or Ignition Schedule can drive the shifts. Integrated Database No need to install and configure a separate database. Because of this it will include a separate backup utility. OEE and Downtime One line with multiple machines Key reason, parallel cells, initial reason or simple machine state down time detection methods are all supported. Even a mix of downtime detection methods. For those who may not be familiar, the downtime detection algorithms are designed to determine the accurate reason the a line lost production.

15 OEE Light Feature Continued Analysis
Live Analysis (limited to 2 per line, cell group or cell) Analysis Controller Core Components Downtime Table Timing Chart Chart components Material Management Mode and State Management Value Editor Jason Analysis Live analysis provide results to the minute. We have a very optimized cache that can update analysis data when notable production events occur. The Analysis Controller allow building customized dashboards. Full support to correct or update past production data. Example, updating quality information a day or two after production. Not everyone want this, but it is surprisingly common. Core Components All of the components that are needed for a simple OEE Downtime system are provided. The price hasn’t been finalized so we can’t share that with you today, but it will be competitive with other low end low cost offerings available in the industry. The difference between them is OEE Light will have far more features and capabilities.

16 MATERIAL LOCATION Common Problems Data Entry
More scanning, selections and typing by the operator Entry errors Lost Material Moved without the system being updated Poor location granularity Accuracy Wrong product Incorrect trace results Jason Data Entry Collecting the correct information about a production run such as lot numbers, material, quantities, work orders, etc. is typically a burden on the operator. Requires time and is inefficient. And prone to mistakes Lost Material Material get rearranged and it is not always updated in the inventory system. Bays can be big and searching for specific material in the bay can be time consuming. Accuracy The correct production information was entered but the incorrect raw material is loaded into the machine. Or correct raw material was loaded into the machine but the incorrect material was entered into the system. Both of these lead to incorrect traceability results.

17 MATERIAL LOCATION Solution Real-time Material Tracking MES Integration
Efficiency Find raw material faster Auto lot detection Less operator data entry Accurate Eliminates entry errors Jason Real-time Material Tracking If real-time material tracking is used and it is integrated with the MES system, then most of these issues are solved For example, when a forklift driver delivers raw material to a line, automatically the information is entered into the MES system with immediate feedback if it is the correct. The material is selected with no scanning, no selections on a screen, no typing lot numbers and no errors. Efficiency Having a pinpoint location of a material lot eliminates to time searching. Takes task off of the operators plate. Accurate Because it is removing the human factor, accuracy increases.

18 MATERIAL LOCATION Web Services MES Server Wiser Server Process: Chop Almonds Material: Lot 2905A Almonds 2905A 2:13 AM Warehouse Shipping 3:25 AM Staging Packaging Batch Processing Tom Typically, knowing where material lots are located within your manufacturing facility requires accurate operator input. This is one more detail that the operator must track, scan, or manually input in their already busy job.

We have a mockup of this in action, but look for more enhancements to the MES modules for greater support in the near future.

Common Problems Communications Requires substantial customization and configuration Data Translation Typically scripting is used Lack of exception handling Difficult to managing data flow Required Skill Sets Knowledge of MES modules Knowledge ERP / Web Services Knowledge of Ignition / Python / SQL Tom A high percentage of MES systems integrate with ERP or other systems. Today, integrating a Sepasoft MES system with ERP or other systems requires scripting. In fact, integrating any MES system with ERP or other systems is painful. Communications Typically, something like web services, flat file, xDoc files, intermediary database, or middleware is used and it requires a lot of labor to implement. Data Translation Today this is done in scriptions - not pretty Data flow and exception handling all done in scripting. For example, processing a production order that refers to material requires lookups to see if the materials exists and is up to date in the MES system. If it is not then query the material details and add or update it in the MES system. Again, not pretty. Required Skill Sets Really, a jack of all trades is needed to implement the integration. This all adds up to higher cost to implement and maintain. High TCO.

Features Sequence Engine BPEL - Business Process Execution Language Translation Interactive mapping UI Supports B2MML Connectors Existing Web Services SAP (Jco and XDocs) More in the future Tom We looked at what it will take to solve these pain points when integrating with ERP or other systems. And this is what we can up with: Sequence Engine A sequence engine to handle the data flow and exception handling. It is based on BPEL that is similar to a flow chart and is easy to understand and learn. Translation A visual mapping tools that supports functions. Function support concatenation, date conversions, etc. We are already following the ISA-95 standard, so it made sense to support B2MML. Connectors It was a must for it to support various connection methods Our existing Web Service module can be used as a connector for the Business Connector. SAP and Web Services will be the first two with others to follow.

SAP SAP Connector ERP Web Services Other ? Future ? MES Core Business Connector Tom If we expand the MES layer of the Ignition stack, we see the Business Connector sits on top of the MES Core. Although it can be used without any other MES modules. The business connector is where the sequence engine, translation layer, and other supporting functionality lives. Then connectors sit on top of the business connector. Initially, SAP and Web Services (which supports both SOAP and RESTful) will be available. Later, additional connectors will be offered.

23 MES ENTERPRISE 2.0 Common Problems Data Synchronization
Requires substantial customization and configuration Synchronization errors WAN outages Poor performance Configuration and Management Requires MES configuration at each server Requires MES licensing to be done at each server Lack of monitoring MES system Disaster recovery is difficult Security Databases are open on VPN Tom We already talked about OEE Light intended for manufacturers with reduced requirements and now we are going to look at the other extreme. Implementing MES for an enterprise. Data Synchronization Requires database replication or custom script to handle synchronization. Difficult to make the correct data available to each production site. Difficult to pass the actual production results back up the enterprise. Difficult to pass along changes in a timely manner. Bandwidth unfriendly Configuration and Management EAN can be used to manage windows and tags, but there is nothing to centrally manage the MES systems. Difficult to manage licensing Security It is just a better security practice to no have databases connections private.

24 MES ENTERPRISE 2.0 What’s at Stake? Higher Cost
Increased implementation labor Increased maintenance cost Higher Risks Lower reliability Higher complexity Lower security Possible failure Tom All of these common problems lead to higher implementation cost, higher maintenance cost reliability issues or even failure Higher Cost High implementation hours High ongoing support cost Higher Risks Higher complexity leads to higher risk and possibly even failure.

25 MES ENTERPRISE 2.0 Features Central Configuration
Equipment Hierarchy Configuration Works alongside EAM Data Synchronization Gateway to gateway communications Smart production data synchronization Efficient / Scalable Version control and logging Contention resolution Configurable production data storage Artifacts Tom Central Configuration Configuring equipment hierarchy (or production model) can be done at the enterprise server. Optionally, each site or subsite can modify the equipment that is local. Not matter where the changes are made, they are synchronized. Because of requirement to have this synchronization feature, the production model is not longer stored in the Ignition project. Instead it is saved in the database. It works alongside EAM, but EAM is not required. EAM is still used to manage the windows, scripts, tags, etc. Data Synchronization Utilizes the Gateway Network so it is gateways taking directly to gateways. Not all data is synchronized to every MES server across the enterprise. Only data that is pertinent to a production site or area is transferred. Only production configuration data that is required is transferred. Not the whole enchilada. And, only properties / values that changed are transferred. The system is smart enough to initially transfer complete production data and then only transfer changes when they occur. Optimized version control and change log detailing changes made to production data. Automatic contention resolution performs last change across the enterprise is used. Ability the set the duration to retain production data at each MES server. Or not at making a MES server simple a relay of information. Like custom properties, artifacts can be added to MES objects and are lazy loaded. Artifacts support various data types including BLOBs. BLOBs support items such as PDFs so work instructions can be saved with an object.

26 MES ENTERPRISE 2.0 Production Data Task Routing Results Redundancy Tom
SAP ERP ? Other Production Data Analysis Task Routing Backup Redundancy Enterprise Results Site 1 Site 2 Processing Packaging Processing Packaging Machine X (OEE Light) Tom Using the Ignition Gateway Network to pass data from gateway to gateway. No more gateway to database. Production orders are passed down to the appropriate sites, areas or machines. The production results are then passed back up to the enterprise server. Each MES server can be configured for what data to retain and for how long. Redundancy can be used at the enterprise or any other server in the MES enterprise architecture. Our existing task routing can also be set up at any level. The OEE Light version covered earlier also integrates into this architecture. The best part is any portion of this MES hierarchy can be in the cloud. This can be used for disaster recover and restore of production data is automatic.

27 EARLY PREVIEW Tom What I’ll be demonstrating is…
ERP MES Business Connector Web Services Enterprise Site 1 Site 2 Processing Packaging Tom What I’ll be demonstrating is… Enterprise using the Enterprise Module Communicate with and ERP system using the MES Business Connector and Web Services Modules Receive production orders from ERP system Which are processed and show in the schedule And are automatically passed down to the appropriate production areas where they can be run The results can be analyzed at the production area But are also automatically passed up the enterprise to the site and enterprise levels to appear in analysis

28 SUMMARY Summary Support for Ignition Perspective
Enhanced Plant Floor to Business System Communications More Scalability Location Tracking Enhanced Enterprise Management Tom Support for Ignition Perspective Production components followed by the remaining. Finally, were not dependent on the Java Runtime for the clients. Enhanced Plant Floor to Business System Communications MQTT Integration at the bottom Communications between MES gateway servers in the middle Business connector at the top More Scalability From OEE Light for basic systems to full blown enterprise and everything in between. Location Tracking Support tracking the exact location from material lots to supplemental equipment. And, how that helps the operator and is more accurate. Enhanced Enterprise Management Centralized MES license management. Production data synchronization. Basically, we are committed to changing the status quo of the effort it takes to implement MES by solving the typical pain points and reducing the implementation cost. Typically, the implementation cost is 2.5 to 3.5 times the cost of the MES software. We want to see that reduced and also see the risks associated with implementing MES reduced. There just has to be a better way than what the last decades has offered.

29 Roadmap Tom

30 ROADMAP Development Roadmap 2019 2020 Maintenance Management Batch
Perspective Phase I Perspective Phase II Q1 Q2 Q3 2019 2020 Tom The good new is we have more than doubled our development staff from ICC last year. The MES Business Connector and MES Enterprise 2.0 modules are targeted to be in release candidate in January. OEE Lite is targeted for end of Q1 The initial Perspective components are targeted for the same time as Ignition 8.0 Followed by the remaining components late Q2 We have actually developed the core PFC (Process Functional Chart) engine that is used for Batch and it is targeted to be fully complete Q1 of 2020.

31 Questions? MES Design Consultants MES Modules Jason Coope, PMP
Business Connector Joseph Dolivo x600 | x600 MES Account Executive Vincent Arespacochaga x113 Inductive Automation



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