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Promise and Perils of Nanotechnology

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Presentation on theme: "Promise and Perils of Nanotechnology"— Presentation transcript:

1 Promise and Perils of Nanotechnology
Michael Woodside & Kim Solez

2 Michael Crichton’s Prey

3 Role of nanotechnology in making cryonics workable
Role of nanotechnology in making cryonics workable. Tissues repaired at liquid nitrogen temperatures?

4 Cryonicists say funding difficulties are because public is spooked by Prey and spector of Grey Goo.

5 But it seems possible that funding resistance has to do with pseudoscience of cryonics, nanotech is fine!

6 TimeShip Cryonics facility may never be built but land was purchased some time ago. $300 Million price tag!

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