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An Evolutionary Journey with MQTT Streamline Control Solutions

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2 An Evolutionary Journey with MQTT Streamline Control Solutions
Midstream Middleware An Evolutionary Journey with MQTT Peter Boyle Chief Operating Officer Streamline Control Solutions

3 Streamline Control Solutions
Formed June, 2011 Calgary, Alberta Denver, Colorado 12 Employees 15+ Consultants Middleware IIOT / SCADA Control Room Management Alarm Management Documentation Controller Progression Compliance

4 Plains Midstream Canada
5,000+ Miles / 8,000+ Km 20 Pipelines 24 Storage Facilities 1,400+ Employees Indirect Subsidiary of Plains All American Crude Oil, Condensate, NGL 350+ Remote Units 300+ Edge Devices Satellite & Cell

5 Plains Midstream Canada
Operational Control Centre (OCC) Alternate Control Centre (ACC) 6 Consoles 1 Supervisor Console 1 Spare Console 3 Test Environments OQA / OTD / ICC Aveva OASyS 7.5 Columbia - SCADA Master Schneider SimSuite 6.6 - RTTM Ignition! 7.8 - Comms Infrastructure Monitoring

6 Streamline Control Solutions
Glasgow University Calgary Inductive Automation FactoryPMI Course Streamline Formed 20+ SCADA Systems All Similar Architectures Middleware

7 Typical Poll/Response Protocol Architecture
IT / Enterprise Data Needs AI & Big Data OT Data Data Extract App ERP SCADA Host Mobile Apps Data Extract App Other Data Asset Management Data Extract App EFM Future Apps

8 Middleware Architecture
SCADA Host SCADA Host SCADA Host SCADA Host Remote Devices Future Apps & Integration Historian Cloud Analytics & BIG DATA MQTT Enabled Message Oriented Middleware Electronic Flow Measurement DMZ ERP Mobile Apps Asset Management & Optimization

9 Middleware Architecture
OPC Client Legacy SCADA OT Data Azure IoT Hub Cellular VSAT Ethernet OASyS SCADA Kinesis ACL TLS MQTT Server Infrastructure DMZ DynamoDB AI & Big Data ERP Mobile Apps Asset Management EFM Future Apps Other Data

10 Enhancing value for Operational and Business Aspects of Company
Goals Enhancing value for Operational and Business Aspects of Company Reduce latency of critical control and measurement data All remote sites’ data updated in under 15 seconds Improve leak detection performance Reduce the number of false alarms Tighten leak detection alarm bands Ease migration and testing of systems upgrades Systems can be tested in a “read-only” mode before going to production During the current SCADA upgrade, one third of the time is spent on getting the systems to communicate properly due to the various protocols and configurations Provide an architectural framework wherein complete Test & Development/QA/Training and ICC environments can view the same real time data as the production SCADA application Facilitate the addition of new acquisitions MQTT can be added to new systems Incorporating new acquisitions can be developed and tested during transition of services phase Provide the ability to play back any level of field information into real time playback, leak detection and training applications Training could be done on any historical scenario Requires capturing of all messages through system

11 Enhancing value for Operational and Business Aspects of Company
Goals Enhancing value for Operational and Business Aspects of Company Communication systems will automatically fail-over and back as required Provide secure remote access to field devices over the PMC communications infrastructure Less windshield “face-time” Providing better, faster, and more accurate information to PMC lines of business that was previously not available from existing field devices Omni Motors Electrical Consumption Enable/Integrate automatic cathodic protection rectifier measurement data Leveraging the new PMC Measurement Upgrade Project Since information can be gathered and Measurement can get information directly, the number of “BatMtrs” in OASyS can be reduced Be in a position to adopt and implement a level of security as recommended by the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Comply with Audit and Security requirements

12 Proof of Concept - Cloud
POC Phase 1 – Test Infrastructure in the Cloud

13 Proof of Concept - Cloud
POC Phase 1 – Test Infrastructure in the Cloud

14 Proof of Concept Phase 2 – On Premise

15 Phase 3 – Production – First Pipeline

16 Middleware Architecture Phase 3 – First Production Pipeline

17 Middleware Architecture
Phase 4 – All Pipelines VSAT Cellular OTD ICC ACC OCC OASySSCADA OASySSCADA OASySSCADA OASyS SCADA ACL TLS MQTT Server Infrastructure DMZ ACC OCC 300+ Edge Devices

18 Infrastructure Monitoring

19 Edge Device Status

20 OASyS SCADA Connection Status

21 Enhancing value for Operational and Business Aspects of Company
Goals Enhancing value for Operational and Business Aspects of Company Reduce latency of critical control and measurement data All remote sites’ data updated in under 15 seconds Statuses every 5 seconds / Analogs every 8 seconds 2. Improve leak detection performance Reduce the number of false alarms Tighten leak detection alarm bands Alarm bands tightened by 50%

22 Leak Detection – Alarm Limits Tightened
Goals Leak Detection – Alarm Limits Tightened Before MQTT After MQTT

23 Enhancing value for Operational and Business Aspects of Company
Goals Enhancing value for Operational and Business Aspects of Company Reduce latency of critical control and measurement data All remote sites’ data updated in under 15 seconds - Statuses every 5 seconds / Analogs every 8 seconds 2. Improve leak detection performance Reduce the number of false alarms Tighten leak detection alarm bands Alarm bands tightened by 50% 3. Ease migration and testing of system upgrades Systems can be tested in a “read-only” mode before going to production During the current SCADA upgrade, one third of the time is spent on getting the systems to communicate properly due to various protocols and configurations Both cost and schedule reduced by minimum 30% Provide an architectural framework wherein complete Test&Development / QA / Training and ICC environments can view the same real time data as the Production SCADA application - Achieved 5. Facilitate the addition of new acquisitions MQTT can be added to new systems With edge devices or intelligent transmitters Incorporating new acquisitions can be developed and tested during transition of services phase – Hot Cutover Provide the ability to play back any level of field information into real time playback, leak detection and training applications Training could be done on any historical scenario Not done yet, lower priority

24 Enhancing value for Operational and Business Aspects of Company
Goals Enhancing value for Operational and Business Aspects of Company 7. Communication systems will automatically failover and back as required % availability to controllers 8. Provide secure remote access to field devices over PMC communications infrastructure Less windshield “face-time” - Being tested Providing better, faster and more accurate information to PMC lines of business that was previously not available from existing field devices Omni Pilot projects being conducted - Sparkplug Motors Electrical Consumption 10. Enable / Integrate automatic cathodic protection rectifier measurement data Pilot - Sparkplug 11. Leveraging the new PMC Measurement Upgrade Project Since information can be gathered and Measurement can get information directly, the number of “BatMtrs” in OASyS can be reduced - Pilot - Sparkplug Be in a position to adopt and implement a level of security as recommended by the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Comply with Audit and Security requirements - Added encryption, single port in firewall, ACLs

25 Middleware Architecture Next Phase – Leveraging the Infrastructure
VSAT OTD ICC Cellular ACC OCC Leak Detection OASyS SCADA OASyS SCADA OASyS SCADA OASyS SCADA ACC OCC ACL TLS MQTT Server Infrastructure DMZ Cathodic Protection EFM Leak Detection 300+ Edge Devices AI & Big Data Azure IoT Hub

26 SCADA Support with MQTT
Edge Device Status SCADA Support with MQTT

27 SCADA Support without MQTT
Edge Device Status SCADA Support without MQTT




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