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Physiology of Pregnancy

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1 Physiology of Pregnancy
Liu Wei Department of Ob & Gy Renji hospital

2 Normal Pregnancy Pregnancy
The course that the embryo and the fetus grow in the maternal body Stages of pregnancy Early pregnancy: ≤12 weeks Mid pregnancy: ≥13 weeks,≤27 weeks Late pregnancy:≥28 weeks Term pregnancy:≥37 weeks,<42 weeks

3 Formation of Embryo Fertilization Place: oviduct (ampulla) Process
capacitation → acrosome reaction→ penetrate the zona pellucida→ second meiosis →zygote

4 Formation of Embryo Implantation requirement
Disappear of zona pellucida Formation of syncytiotrophoblast Synchronized development of blastocyst and endometrium Adequate progesterone

5 Formation of Embryo Process
morula (day 3) → enter uterine cavity (day 4) → early blastocyst→ late blastocyst (day 6-7) → implantation location→ adherence→ penetration

6 Development of embryo and fetus
Definition embryo: ≤ 8 weeks Fetus: ≥ 9 weeks, human shape

7 Development of embryo and fetus
Physiology of fetus Circulation fetus ←→placenta←→ mater 1 umbilical vein (full of oxygen), 2 umbilical artery (lack of oxygen) Mixed blood (vein and artery)

8 Development of embryo and fetus

9 Development of embryo and fetus
Hematology Erythropoiesis From yolk sac: 3 weeks From liver: 10 weeks From bone marrow and spleen: term (90%) EPO production: 32nd week

10 Development of embryo and fetus
Fetal hemoglobin Fetal hemoglobin: early pregnancy Adult hemoglobin: 32nd week Term: fetal type Hb 25% White cells Leukocytes: 8 week Lymphocytes (antibody production): 12 week, thymus and spleen

11 Development of embryo and fetus
Gastrointestinal tract drink amniotic fluid: 4th month no proteolytic activity enzymatic deficiencies in liver: bilirubin is not easy to be clear.

12 Development of embryo and fetus
Kidney Its function begins at 11-14th week Endocrinology Fetal thyroid: the first endocrine gland (6th week), synthesize thyroxine at 12th week Fetal adrenal cortex: widen (20th week), a fetal zone. synthesize steroid hormones (E3, liver placenta mater)

13 Placenta Structure Primary villus syncytiotrophoblast cytotrophoblast
Secondary villus third class vilus fetal capillary enter the stroma


15 Placenta Function metabolism Exchange of O2 and CO2
Exchange of nutritive factors and waste Defensive Limited. IgG, virus, drug

16 Placenta Endocrine HCG HPL E P Oxytocinase
Cytokines and Growth Factors Immunity tolerance

17 Fetal membranes Structure chorion and amnion Amnion
A double-layered translucent membrane Become distended with fluid

18 Umbilical Cord Structure
amnion, yolk sac, one vein, two artery and Wharton jelly Length 30-70cm

19 Amniotic fliud Source exudation of fetal membranes (early pregnancy)
Fetal urine Fetal lung Exudation of amnion and fetal skin

20 Amniotic fliud Absord Fetal membrane Umbilical cord Fetal skin
Fetal drinking Feature ml at 36th-38th week (peak), transparent → slightly turbid

21 Amniotic Fliud Function Protect fetal move freely, warm Protect mater
prevent infection

22 Physiologic changes in pregnant woman
Genital organs Uterus capacity: 5ml-5000ml.weight: 50g-1000g Hypertrophy of muscle cells Endometrium→decidua: basal decidua, capsular decidua, true decidua Contraction: Braxton Hicks Isthmus uteri: 1cm→ 7-10cm


24 Physiologic changes in pregnant woman
Cervix: colored Ovary: placenta replaces ovary (10th week) Vagina: dilated and soft, pH↓(anti-bacteri bacteria) Ligaments: relaxed

25 Physiologic changes in pregnant woman
Cardiovascular system Heart: move upward, hypertrophy of cardiac muscle Cardiac Output increase by 30%, reach to peak at 32nd –34th week Blood pressure early or mid pregnancy Bp↓.late pregnancy Bp↑ .Supine hypotensive syndrome

26 Physiologic changes in pregnant woman
Hematology Blood volume Increase by 30%-45% at 32nd –34th (peak) Relatively diluted Composition Red cells Hb:130→110g/L, HCT:38%→ 31%. White cells: slightly increase Coagulating power of blood: ↑ Albumin: ↓,35 g/L

27 Physiologic changes in pregnant woman
The Respiratory system R rate: slightly ↑ vital capacity: no change Tidal volume: ↑ 40% Functional residual capacity:↓ O2 consumption: ↑ 20%

28 Physiologic changes in pregnant woman
The urinary system Kidney Renal plasma flow (RFP):↑35% Glomerular filtration rate (GFR):↑ 50% Ureter Dilated (P↑) Bladder Frequent micturation

29 Physiologic changes in pregnant woman
Gastrointestinal system Gastric emptying time is prolonged→ nausea. The motility of large bowel is diminished → constipation Liver function: unchanged

30 Physiologic changes in pregnant woman
Endocrine Pituitary (hypertrophy) LH/FSH: ↓ PRL:↑ TSH and ACTH:↑ Thyroid enlarged (TSH and HCG↑) thyroxine↑ and TBG↑ → free T3 T4 unchanged

31 END

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