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Engaging Employers also by implementing Social Clauses

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1 Engaging Employers also by implementing Social Clauses
DAAD Employer Service Point and the 5% Settlement

2 Program Director Department of Social Affairs and Employment
Nico van de Vrie Program Director Department of Social Affairs and Employment

3 DAAD = Employers Service Point in Rotterdam
Powered by business community, Social Affairs and Employment Rotterdam and UWV WERKbedrijf Arrangements with employers Demand-led approach Involvement of employers in the matching process and the way it is executed

4 DAAD Focus on term-vacancies, with possibility of education, training of professional skills and ‘workers’ skills on the job Instruments: recruitment (free), placements, wage subsidies, training-arrangements, internships and support. Starting with retention! Results 2008: 1500 placements in real jobs 2009: 2118 placements in real jobs

5 5% settlement by DAAD Companies tendering for orders (≥ EUR ) procured by the city of Rotterdam are obliged to dedicate a minimum of 5% of the amount on creating employment opportunities for: people on social benefits registered jobseekers ≥ 6 months students combining training and employment

6 5% settlement by DAAD Results 2009: 500 placements on 5% projects
internships people supported by the Dutch Sheltered Employment Act (WSW) Results 2009: 500 placements on 5% projects 2010: 195 vavancies on 5% projects available to unemployed people

7 Highlights Building the metro station at the new Rotterdam Central Station Via the 5% settlement people were employed as traffic controllers. Their speediness resulted in more earnings for the head contractor. Care contract (WMO) 9 major local care providers are currently employing 120 people (women). Taking care of our lawns The contractor mowing the municipal grass raises the bar and uses 10% of its contract to employ people on benefits. As this labour is seasonal the settlement workforce is enabled to work on municipal demolition projects in the off season (e.g. demolition for the current SoZaWe headquarters). They are now employed all year round. Building the metro station at the new Rotterdam Central Station In preparing for the build the tram tracks above were moved 4 times people go over those tracks daily. Via the 5% settlement people were employed as traffic controllers. After positive feedback they were also employed in getting the trucks from the dig out. Their speediness resulted in more earnings for the head contractor. Care contract (WMO) 9 major local care providers are currently employing 120 people (women) previously on unemployment benefits, via the 5 % settlement. Taking care of our lawns The contractor mowing the municipal grass raises the bar and uses 10% of its contract to employ people on benefits. As this labour is seasonal the settlement workforce is enabled to work on municipal demolition projects in the off season (e.g. demolition for the current SoZaWe headquarters). They are now employed all year round.

8 Not all departments execute the 5% settlement to the fullest extend.
Challenges Not all departments execute the 5% settlement to the fullest extend. The coordination by DAAD has resulted in a distance with the departments. DAAD requires instruments for being more directive. The 5% needs to be integrated further into the Rotterdam policy for ‘durable purchasing’ Allen het obr neemt een aparte positie mbt de 5% in. Beter lijkt het mij de opmerking te maken dat binnen het 100% duurzaam inkopen de 5% een prominente rol speelt in het sociale aspect van duurzaam inkopen, hier valt nog een slag te maken

9 Next steps Appoint a single contact person per department building upon the existing network for ‘durable purchasing’ Changing the mindset on durable from only climate and environment to incorporate social aspects as well Stress the accountability of the departments Stress the opportunities it represents over the obligations Introduce extra credit for overachievers Produce communication material Engage the surrounding municipalities - G4 is already working with the 5% settlement - Government is currently experimenting Inkopen gemeente via twee bureaus (GW en Servicedienst) duurzaam inkopen heeft per dienst een verantwoordelijke via deze persoon loopt ook vragen over toepassing 5% Naast duurzaam ook sociaal is een tweeslag die nieuw is en een grote uitdaging. G4, adam,rdam,utrecht,den haag werken met 5% Rijk experimenteert met 10 pilot projecten en besluit dan misschien ook 5% toe te gaan passen

10 Thank you for your attention!
5% settlement by DAAD Thank you for your attention! Questions?

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