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Exploring Factors Associated with Compliance with CKD-specific Low Protein Supplements among CKD Patients Registered Dietitian, FANG-CHING HU.

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Presentation on theme: "Exploring Factors Associated with Compliance with CKD-specific Low Protein Supplements among CKD Patients Registered Dietitian, FANG-CHING HU."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exploring Factors Associated with Compliance with CKD-specific Low Protein Supplements among CKD Patients Registered Dietitian, FANG-CHING HU

2 Vegetarian Meals in Tzu Chi Hospital
Feature fresh, locally grown vegetables At least 1 portion of leafy green vegetable per meal At least 2 other colored vegetables per meal Options of grain choices: white rice, brown rice, multi-grain rice, noodles, congee, Chinese buns (“Mantou”) 2

3 Soy bean curd with red and yellow pepper in tomato sauce Tofu wrapped
in veggie ham Stir-fry bok choy and carrots Stir-fry spinach Fresh melon Tofu and bean sprout soup Rice with black sesame 3

4 Stir fry “Chinese Watercress” Vegan “fish” stake Scramble eggs
Bean sprouts & carrot threads Vegetable soup Fresh Guava Multi-grain rice 4

5 Breakfast Lunch Dinner
Meal Snack 5

6 Vegetarian Food Court for patients, families, visitors and staff
vegan cafeteria with 100+dishes Hot Pots Noodle Shop Traditional Taiwanese food Japanese Style Korean Style And more … 6

7 Vegetarian Food Court 7

8 8

9 Vegetarian Food Court 9

10 For our CKD outpatient, we want to do more!

11 Protein energy wasting (PEW)
11 Kidney International (2013) 84, 1096–1107

12 Taiwan CKD 12 Lancet 2008; 371: 2173–82

13 Taiwan CKD 13 Lancet 2008; 371: 2173–82

14 Prevalence of ESRD

15 Incidence of ESRD 15

16 Taiwan strategies Publish “the uncomfortable truth”
TSN & BNHI & NHI work together Aristolochic acid Prohibition Intensive care program Pre ESRD Early CKD Multidisciplinary care 16

17 Pre-ESRD care program Nephrologists, nephrology nurse and dietitian
Medical management Lifestyle modification Regularly follow up (Lab data)

18 The facts are… Patients on low protein diets often have difficulty to meet nutritional requirements. They have to use CKD-specific low protein supplements every day. 18

19 Low protein supplements
425 kcal/can 10.6 g protein 242 kcal/bag 3.9 g protein 200 kcal/bag 0.6 g protein

20 Taiwanese traditional low protein materials
Corn starch Sweet potato starch Tapioca Flat noodle Sago Grass jelly 0.02 g protein per serving 0.02 g protein per serving 20

21 Taiwanese traditional low protein food
Pyramid dumplings Bowl rice cake 0.04 g protein per serving Rice noodle Ba wan 0.1 g protein per serving 21

22 Taiwanese traditional low protein food
Sago 0.02 g protein per serving 0.08 g protein per 100 g Fen yuan Bubble Tea 22

23 We want to know… There are various low protein supplements options
Compliance of CKD-specific supplements Effect of current education 23

24 Objective This study investigated Taipei Tzu Chi Hospital CKD outpatients’ compliance with CKD-specific low protein supplement and determined the factors which associated with the compliance. 24

25 Methods 25

26 Methods Patients in pre-ESRD care program with stage 3~5
Among 1053 CKD patients, 477 were recommended on CKD-specific low protein supplement daily A telephone interview (check 477 patients for the low protein supplement use) Analyze the reasons for the noncomplier 26

27 Results 27

28 Table 1. Reasons for not using CKD-specific low protein supplements
No. (%) (n=125) Patients had unclear with the concepts. (ex. Patients did not know the importance of eating supplements or ate the wrong supplements) 81 (64.8%) Patients were affected by their families or lived alone. 26 (20.8%) Patient dissatisfied with texture and taste. 6 (4.8%) Preparing meals were inconvenience for patients. 4 (3.2%) Patients forgot to eat supplements. 2 (1.6%) Patients had side effects after eating supplements. Patients had no appetite recently. Patients had financial problem. 28

29 CKD stage of noncomplier (n=125)
15.2% 30.4% 54.4% Age of noncomplier (n=125) 31.2% 68.8% 29

30 Think about it… Family support Education models 30

31 們診 31

32 Conclusion Renal protection
Reversible causes, ACEI/ARB, Bicarbonate, Lipid, Anemia… Taiwan strategies Multidisciplinary care, Aristolochic acid prohibition Nutritional therapy Low protein diet, provide CKD-specific low protein supplement education services to CKD patients along with their families to clarify patients’ concepts and seek for better family support 32


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