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Candle Song God is here with us. God is in the light.

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Presentation on theme: "Candle Song God is here with us. God is in the light."— Presentation transcript:

1 Candle Song God is here with us. God is in the light.
No there is no dark. Candle burning bright.

2 Saying Sorry God is forgiveness, Dare to forgive
and God will be with you. God is forgiveness. Love and do not fear.

3 The peace of the Lord be always with you and also with you

4 Giving and Receiving




8 Why is this little girl crying?

9 9

10 Map of Africa





15 No Clean Water 15

16 16





21 Question? How can we help Kenneth continue helping the children living in the village of Jambo, South Sudan? Through giving a gift of money to Kenneth at Christmas time, when we shall be receiving lots of presents, to pass on to the children living in Jambo, South Sudan. How can we collect this money? By putting some of the money we receive as pocket money in our Giving Box.

22 Songs O God is good x 3 God is good to me. (you) (us)

23 Rabonna kwaiyis x 3 Kwaiyis le ana (me) Kwaiyis le intum (us)

24 Thank you Lord for this fine day x 3
Right where we are. Ha-ha-alleluia praise the Lord x 3

25 Thank you Lord for giving us food…
Thank you Lord for the clean water we drink… Thank you Lord for the friends we have…. Thank you Lord for the gifts we receive…

26 Prayer Dear God, thank you for the food we eat,
the clean water we drink, the clothes we wear, the gifts we will receive on Christmas Day. Help us to give a gift this Christmas time to help the children in the village of Jambo to have food to eat, clothes to wear and clean water to drink. Amen.

27 Our Father in Heaven Hallowed be your name

28 Your Kingdom come, your will be done
On Earth as in Heaven

29 Give us today our daily bread

30 As we forgive those who sin against us
Forgive us our sins As we forgive those who sin against us

31 Lead us not into temptation
But deliver us from evil

32 For the Kingdom, the power and the glory are yours
Now and forever Amen

33 Candle Song Good bye to the light, God will stay with us,
Every day and night, Candle burning bright.

34 Closing Prayer The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, The love of God,
And the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, Be with us now and always. Amen.

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