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Alliance Partner Mauritius – Media watch organization Joomun Irfan

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1 Alliance Partner Mauritius – Media watch organization Joomun Irfan
SRSR Alliance Partner Mauritius – Media watch organization Joomun Irfan

2 Strengthening Local SRHR Cluster
Kolektif Drwa Imin – Platform of various NGOs working of thematic like violence against women and the LGBT group. Advocacy for visibility of marginalised – trans identity Availability vs accessibility KDI meeting are performed every forthnight

3 SRHR champions Awid women - Women who attended the AWID conference in November are working on the theme of SRHR as part of their implemented action plan in country – Snowball effect Youth Peer Education program for the HLGBT community – Target of young person per year Afterschool program – pitch is SRHR sponsored by CIM finance

4 National SRHR Champion
Ministry of Health and quality of life NGOs like Ailes, Future Hope, PILS, YQA Councils- , moka, curepipe, quatre-bornes, Grand-port and Savanne

5 Activity: SRHR Training
Awid women trained on SRHR issues by Anushka over 4 sessions and creation individual achievable action plans Hepatitis training: 200 women trained on Hepatitis and rapid testing Peer wellness – peer education training

6 Success stories the Future Hope NGO’s representative Ms Edwige is part of the AWID group. She won the first price on SRHR for the Summit She implemented the training gained from Anushka with her group of youth she is working with in the region of Roche Bois. On the other hand, Priscilla Bignoux, yet another participant of the AWID is doing a lot of work in collaboration with the NGO – MAM. She has successfully put into practice the lessons of the training by Anushka. Her main activities for MAM includes training in regards to SRHR – most importantly on teenage pregnancy and maternal health. She has been delivering training in Rodrigues with the youth

7 Activity: Media training on SRHR
13th and 14th of May 2019 – 12 media Houses Conducted by Marie Annick Savripene Focus on the LGB and with more transgender issues – Vikshika Another focus on sensitizing LGBT issues to have more viewers and buyers During the meeting, participants were also part of group work and press cuttings analysis to examine better ways of working and using the media to promote gender equality as well as SRHR

8 Outcomes Mauritius has the lowest maternal mortality rates in the region; about 53 women died in child birth out of every 100,000 live births. To note that all pregnant women are screened for gestational diabetes, STIs and HIV Mauritius has an effective system of Family Planning and good health system and in their Drop-In-Center they have registered 170 cases of teenage pregnancy between January-July 2018. By raising girls’ awareness of sexual health, protecting them from abuse and connecting them with education and health services, they will be able to make their own decision about their future and their bodies

9 Pictures

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