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DFTG 1310 Specialized Basic CAD.

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Presentation on theme: "DFTG 1310 Specialized Basic CAD."— Presentation transcript:

1 DFTG 1310 Specialized Basic CAD

2 First Day Agenda Please fill out the blue form and green forms
Everyone introduce themselves and tell the class about yourself such as Name, Major, work experience, and reason for taking the class Hand out the syllabus and go over the syllabus

3 File Types .DGN, .CEL, .DGNLIB
Seed files are templates that are used in Microstation

4 Basic Geometry Linear, Arc, Circular are the different types of shapes
Line has the individual segments that are all independent of each other Smart Line- contains the multiple line segments that are one entire lines. This has the tool that is the Light Bulb

5 Tools The tool boxes are used to turn on all the options
Tasks- Is where most of the Drafting is actually done Pin-You can see it in the top right hand side Unpin-You can not see it Popset-Allows you to see all of the settings while you are currently working Right mouse to stop the commands

6 Tools: Continued The left click will allow the command to be continuous as opposed to the right click which will stop the command View- Zoom, Fit View you can use while you are currently drawing Multi-View-You can view the multi-windows and draw at the same time Window-Allows you to control the view

7 Basics File- Save/Close/New/Save as/Print Edit-Undo and Redo
Element- Styles, Line styles, and Dimension Styles Settings-Tool settings, Design Files, Levels, and Locks Workspace-Preferences Windows-Cascade Tiles

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