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DP2 Antagonism, Oral Therapy for Moderate to Severe Asthma

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Presentation on theme: "DP2 Antagonism, Oral Therapy for Moderate to Severe Asthma"— Presentation transcript:

1 DP2 Antagonism, Oral Therapy for Moderate to Severe Asthma

2 Worldwide Asthma Prevalence

3 Worldwide Asthma Prevalence

4 Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) Treatment Steps Definition

5 Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) Treatment Steps Definition

6 Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) Treatment Steps Definition

7 Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) Treatment Steps Definition

8 Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) Treatment Steps Definition

9 Airway Inflammation and Remodeling in Asthma

10 Airway Inflammation and Remodeling in Asthma

11 Prostaglandin D2 type 2 receptor (formerly CRTh2)

12 Prostaglandin D2 type 2 receptor (formerly CRTh2)









21 Fevipiprant: Anti-DP2 Mild-to-Moderate Asthma

22 Fevipiprant: Anti-DP2 for Asthma

23 Fevipiprant: Anti-DP2 for Asthma

24 Fevipiprant: Anti-DP2 for Asthma

25 Fevipiprant: ACQ Scores

26 Fevipiprant: AQLQ Scores and Change in Post-Bronchodilator FEV1

27 Fevipiprant: Anti-DP2 Reduces Airway Smooth Muscle Mass in Asthma

28 RCTs of Interventions Reducing Airway Smooth Muscle Mass in Asthma

29 DP2 Immunopathology in the Asthmatic Airway

30 DP2 Immunopathology in the Asthmatic Airway

31 DP2 Immunopathology in the Asthmatic Airway

32 DP2 Immunopathology in the Asthmatic Airway

33 DP2 Immunopathology in the Asthmatic Airway

34 DP2 Immunopathology in the Asthmatic Airway

35 DP2 Immunopathology in the Asthmatic Airway

36 Key Take-Home Messages

37 Abbreviations

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