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Today, let’s… Review the “why,” “what” and “how” of DCCCD Guided Pathways to Success (GPS) Explore the Career Paths and GPS maps Engage as we gather your.

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Presentation on theme: "Today, let’s… Review the “why,” “what” and “how” of DCCCD Guided Pathways to Success (GPS) Explore the Career Paths and GPS maps Engage as we gather your."— Presentation transcript:


2 Today, let’s… Review the “why,” “what” and “how” of DCCCD Guided Pathways to Success (GPS) Explore the Career Paths and GPS maps Engage as we gather your ideas to support, inform and deliver Guided Pathways to our students

3 Why Guided Pathways? Streamline navigation to and through our system and beyond to transform the student experience to increase: Persistence/Retention Completion Transfer Employment

4 Student Voices “Everything about college was a bit of a mystery to me, what classes to take, what degree to pursue, where to get financial aid, where to get books, how to pay for everything…”

5 Source: AACC’s What is the Guided Pathways Model?
What is GPS? Guided pathways require colleges to take an integrated, institution-wide approach to student success, driven by evidence and intently focused on helping learners move from entry to attainment of their educational and employment goals. Source: AACC’s What is the Guided Pathways Model?

6 To fully implement A guided pathways approach, colleges must: 1. Clarify paths to student end goals, providing fewer choices and clearer program maps that lead to transfer or the workforce. 2. Help students choose and enter a pathway, including bridges from high school to college, on-ramps to programs of study, and accelerated remediation.

7 And … 3. Help students stay on a path with intrusive, ongoing advising and integrated educational and nonacademic supports. 4. Ensure that students are learning with clear program outcomes aligned to employer and/or transfer institution expectations, engaging and applied learning experiences, and effective instructional practices.

8 Changing Terminology Career Paths vs. Degree Plans Endorsements
Guided Pathways Program Maps

9 (Texas Education Agency)
High School Endorsements (Texas Education Agency) DCCCD Career Paths

10 How do we implement GPS? A Phased Approach …
A prototype implementation of the key transfer and CTE programs (48+) mapped as guided pathways within Career Paths Additional 120+ programs added Full implementation of all programs (over 300) within seven distinct Career Paths


12 Advising Support Navigators Pathways Advisors Career Coaches
Program Faculty All of us

13 Student Journey Pre-collegiate Experiences: Outreach to HS
Connection: Outreach to Pre-Application Entry: Application to 15 hours Progress: 15 – 45 hours Completion: 45 – completion Transition: Completion to employment and/or transfer

14 Career Paths

15 GPS Maps

16 ENGAGE: Your Ideas!


18 Question 1: In my role at my college or location, how can I support, inform and deliver Guided Pathways to our students?

19 Question 2: What else would help me stay informed, involved and supportive of Guided Pathways?

20 Information - Resources
GPS Website Guided Pathways MyPortal site for Q & A

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