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Supplemental File 1. 90-day anomaly backscatter plots for all Seabreeze and Neptune moorings. X-axis is in Julian days (with date markers for reference)

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Presentation on theme: "Supplemental File 1. 90-day anomaly backscatter plots for all Seabreeze and Neptune moorings. X-axis is in Julian days (with date markers for reference)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Supplemental File day anomaly backscatter plots for all Seabreeze and Neptune moorings. X-axis is in Julian days (with date markers for reference) and Y-axis is depth. The backscatter anomaly scale is included.

2 ER03-N2 90 day anomaly 7/08/2003 12/06/2004

3 Er04-N2 90 day anomaly

4 ER05-N2 90 day anomaly 27/07/2005 03/16/2006

5 ER03-S1 90 day anomaly 7/08/2003 12/06/2004

6 ER03-S3 90 day anomaly 7/08/2003 12/06/2004

7 ER04-N3 90 day anomaly 1/08/2004 17/07/2005

8 ER05-N3 90 day anomaly 27/07/2005 03/16/2006

9 Er04-Y2 90 day anomaly 1/08/2004 17/07/2005

10 ER05-Y2 90 day anomaly 27/07/2005 5/02/2006

11 RCM-NE anomaly 18/11/2010 1/04/2012

12 RCM-NW anomaly 14/09/2011 02/04/2012 13/12/2011

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