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July 2009 Closing Report Date: Authors: July 2009

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1 July 2009 Closing Report Date: 2009-07-17 Authors: July 2009
Month Year doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 July 2009 July 2009 Closing Report Date: Authors: Dorothy Stanley (Aruba Networks) John Doe, Some Company

2 Abstract This document contains the TGv closing report for July 2009.
Month Year doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 July 2009 Abstract This document contains the TGv closing report for July 2009. Dorothy Stanley (Aruba Networks) John Doe, Some Company

3 Goals and Accomplishments
Month Year doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 July 2009 Goals and Accomplishments Comment resolution from LB 150 Completed resolution of LB 150 comments Recirculation Letter Ballot Approved motion for recirculation Conditional Approval for Sponsor Ballot Approved motion requesting conditional approval for sponsor ballot from ExCom Teleconferences Friday, August 14 Noon Eastern, 2 hours Tuesday, Sept 1, 15 Noon Eastern, 2 hours Dorothy Stanley (Aruba Networks) John Doe, Some Company

4 Comment Processing Summary
Month Year doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 July 2009 Comment Processing Summary Total 140 Technical 93 Editorial 47 Editor Done/To Do 42/98 Comment resolutions adopted to date Comments remaining Dorothy Stanley (Aruba Networks) John Doe, Some Company

5 Documents for 09/0676 comment resolution
Month Year doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 July 2009 Documents for 09/0676 comment resolution Category Volunteers Document Annex Joe Kwak n/a Collocated Interference Jari Jokela, Jing Zhu Diagnostics D. Stanley 09-689 Event FMS A. Thomson 09-685 General Multicast Diagnostics Alex Ashley 09-694 Location/Timing A. Thomson/Ganesh 09-684/09-710 Proxy ARP Roaming Management Emily Qi TFS/SleepMode STA Statistics G. Venkatsan 09-712 Time Advertisement 09-686 TIM Broadcast M. Wentink Traffic Generation Moo-Ryong Jeong Virtual AP Qi Wang 09-696 TCLAS Channel Usage E. Qi Directed Multicast Resolutions # CID # remaining n/a 6/16, 6/19 6 8 6/19 1 3 6/23 2 6/19,23,26,30,7/10 25/11 0/0 6/23, 7/10 1/1 6/30, 7/10 7 6/26, 7/10 13 5 4 6/23, 6/30, 7/10 Dorothy Stanley (Aruba Networks) John Doe, Some Company

6 Output Documents 11-09-0900-00-000v-TGv-July-2009-closing-report.ppt
Month Year doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 July 2009 Output Documents v-TGv-July-2009-closing-report.ppt v-July-2009-agenda.ppt v-July-2009-meeting notes Dorothy Stanley (Aruba Networks) John Doe, Some Company

7 Motion - Recirculation WG Letter Ballot
Month Year doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 July 2009 Motion - Recirculation WG Letter Ballot Having approved comment resolutions for all of the comments received from LB150 on TGv Draft 6.0, instruct the editor to prepare Draft 7.0 incorporating these resolutions and Approve a 15 day Working Group Recirculation Ballot asking the question “Should P802.11v Draft 7.0 be forwarded to Sponsor Ballot?” Mover: Ganesh Venkatesan Seconder: Emily Qi Result: 9-0-2 Dorothy Stanley (Aruba Networks) John Doe, Some Company

8 Motion - Conditional Approval for Sponsor Ballot
Month Year doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 July 2009 Motion - Conditional Approval for Sponsor Ballot Approve document as the report to the IEEE 802 Executive Committee on the requirements for conditional approval to forward TGV to Sponsor Ballot, and Request the IEEE 802 Executive Committee to conditionally approve forwarding the TGV Draft meeting conditional approval requirements to sponsor ballot. Note: Approval for the addition of a myballot version of the comments to a revision of is given. TGv vote: Moved: Joe Kwak Seconded: Ganesh Venkatesan Result: 8-0-3 Dorothy Stanley (Aruba Networks) John Doe, Some Company

9 TGv Timeline – Updated July, 2009
Month Year doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 July 2009 TGv Timeline – Updated July, 2009 Initial Working Group Letter Ballot: July 07 – completed Jan 08 – D2.0, May 08 – D3.0, Nov 08 – D4.0 Re-circulation Working Group Letter Ballot: November 08 (D4.0) Mar 09 – D5.0, May 09 – D 6.0, July 09 – D7.0, D7.0(unchanged) Form Sponsor Ballot Pool: August 09 (was June 09) Initial Sponsor Ballot: Oct 09 (was Sept) Octt 09 – D7.0 Approved Sponsor Ballot: Nov 09 Feb 09 – D8.0, March 09 - D9.0, April D10.0, May D11.0 May 12th ( or so) for Revcom June Approval Final WG/EC Approval: July 2010 RevCom/Standards Board Approval: June 4th/June 5th(or so) Note: TGv PAR is authorized through Dec 2010 Dorothy Stanley (Aruba Networks) John Doe, Some Company

10 Goals for September 2009 Comment resolution
Month Year doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 July 2009 Goals for September 2009 Comment resolution Recirculation Letter Ballot Dorothy Stanley (Aruba Networks) John Doe, Some Company

11 References July 2009 Month Year doc.: IEEE 802.11-yy/xxxxr0
Dorothy Stanley (Aruba Networks) John Doe, Some Company

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