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Support Online Information Session Transfers

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Presentation on theme: "Support Online Information Session Transfers"— Presentation transcript:

1 Support Online Information Session Transfers
Good afternoon and welcome to this Online Information session. The session will start at 14h00 - you will only be able to hear sound from 14h00 (so please make sure that your speakers are on and working). Questions may only be asked during the Q&A session - after the presentation - using the CHAT block and not the Q&A block. Please do not ask any questions now. Thank you for your support and attendance. Presented by Chiovonne Barendsen 08/09/2015

2 Support Online Information Session Introduction
The session will begin with a presentation: The session will last for 25 to 30 minutes and will include: This PowerPoint presentation Voice communication from the instructor, therefore the sound on your computer must be switched on The Q&A session will start after the presentation: Questions may only be asked during the Q&A session Only questions related to the content may be asked The Q&A session will be 30 minutes, as the meeting will end at 15:00 Sage VIP presentation

3 Transfers With YTD Totals (Move Employees)
Agenda Transfers Transfers With YTD Totals (Move Employees) Transfers Without YTD Totals Transfer Steps Sage VIP presentation

4 Transfers

5 Transfers An employee may be transferred between: Different Companies
Different Company Rules within the same Company and within different Companies Different Remuneration Structures Change of Leave Policy Change of Position

6 Transfers with YTD Totals

7 Transfers with YTD Totals
General Rules Transfer with YTD Totals (Move Employees): When transferring with YTD Totals an employee is removed from the ‘from’ Company Rule and moved into the ‘to’ Company Rule

8 Transfers with YTD Totals
General Rules - The following must be the same in the ‘from’ and’ to’ Company Rules: Employees may only be transferred within the same Company Payment Cycles Tax Numbers UIF Registration number

9 Transfers with YTD Totals
General Rules - The following must be the same in the ‘from’ and’ to’ Company Rules: SDL Registration number Period in the Tax Year

10 Transfers with YTD Totals
General Rules – No transfers may be done when: Stop Further Entry is flagged in either the ‘from’ or the ‘to’ Company Rule Employee’s UIF Status = Maternity Leave in the ‘from’ Company Rule Leave Pay is activated for the employee Early Pay is activated for the employee

11 Transfers with YTD Totals
General Rules – Terminated employees: Can only be transferred with YTD Totals and they will remain terminated in the ‘to’ Company Rule (Remember rules applicable to be able to transfer with YTD information)

12 Transfers with YTD Totals
General Rules – Active employees: Where Forced Pay is activated in the ‘from’ Company Rule it will be deactivated in the ‘to’ Company Rule Should any of the employee’s payslips be frozen in the ‘from’ Company Rule it will be deactivated in the ‘to’ Company Rule

13 Transfers without YTD Totals

14 Transfers without YTD Totals
General Rules Transfer without YTD Totals: When transferring without YTD Totals an employee is terminated in the ‘from’ Company and loaded as a new employee in the ‘to’ Company

15 Transfers without YTD Totals
General Rules – Terminated employees: Employees terminated in the ‘from’ Company may not be transferred. Terminated employees can only be transferred with their YTD Totals

16 Transfers without YTD Totals
General Rules – Active employees: Future Increases: will clear and needs to be recaptured in the ‘to’ Company Rule Shift Pattern: will clear and needs to be reselected in the ‘to’ Company Rule Shift YTD values: will clear and must manually be recaptured if the balances should go over to the ‘to’ Company Rule

17 Transfers without YTD Totals
Fringe Benefits with Sub-Screens: i.e. Bursary, Use of Asset and Petrol Cards will clear and needs to be recaptured in the ‘to’ Company Rule Provision for Tax on Annual Bonus: will not be transferred. This must be manually adjusted in the ‘from’ and ‘to’ Company Rules Deductions with balances: will clear and must manually be recaptured if the balances should go over to the ‘to’ Company Rule

18 Transfers without YTD Totals
External Payments paid in full: will not be transferred to the ‘to’ Company Rule. These will remain in the ‘from’ Company Rule External Payments with a positive balance: the system will prompt you to select the payroll definitions to which the External Payments must be linked in the ‘to’ Company Rule. The current balance on the Payslip Detail will become the new balance

19 Transfers without YTD Totals
Loans & Savings: the system will prompt you to select the payroll definitions to which the Savings / Loans Payments must be linked in the ‘to’ Company Rule. The current balance on the Payslip Detail will become the new balance Earnings and/or deductions that have increasing and/or decreasing balances: must be manually adjusted on the Payslip Definition screen of the ‘to’ Company Rule Minimum Net Pay: if used in ‘to’ Company Rule, ensure that the deduction priorities are set-up in the ‘to’ Company Rule

20 Transfer Steps

21 Transfer Steps Access the Employee Transfer Filter Screen
Expand Employee Double click on Employee Transfer

22 Transfer Steps Step 1 – Select employee to transfer
Use the Basic Filter in order to search for the employees to be transferred One or more of the listed employees may be transferred

23 Transfer Steps Click on the Transfer button and select the Transfer Employees option When you click on the Transfer button the Transfer Wizard will guide you through the transfer process

24 Transfer Steps Step 2 – Transfer Options
Select the Transfer option for the selected employee(s)

25 Transfer Steps Step 2 – Transfer Options
Company: Select this option to transfer employees between different Companies. When you select this option the Company Rule and Leave Policy options will automatically be selected Company Rule: Check this box if the employee(s) must be transferred to another Company Rule within the same Company. Should an employee be transferred to another Company Rule part of another Company, the Company box should also be checked

26 Transfer Steps Remuneration Structure: Check this check box if you want to transfer/link the employee(s) to a new Remuneration Structure You can use this option to globally link employees to a new Remuneration Structure Select this option to link the employee(s) to a new Remuneration Structure when transferring the employee(s) to a new Company Rule and/or Company

27 Transfer Steps Positions: When licenced for the Job Profile Management Module, the Position field will also be available on the Transfer Option screen Leave Policy: Check this check box if you want to transfer/link the employee(s) to a new Leave Policy You can use this option to globally link employees to a new Remuneration Structure Select this option to link the employee(s) to a new Remuneration Structure when transferring the employee(s) to a new Company Rule and/or Company

28 Transfer Steps Step 3 – Select With or Without YTD Totals
Move Employee: this option will remove the employee in the ‘from’ Company Rule and move the employee with YTD Totals to the ‘to’ Company Rule. This means that the employee will not be included in any of the reports in the ‘from’ Company Rule Without Year to Date Information: this option will terminate the employee in the ‘from’ Company Rule and add the employee as a new employee in the ‘to’ Company Rule

29 Transfer Steps Step 4 – Transfer Selection Screen
Selections for Move Employee Options (With YTD Totals)

30 Transfer Steps Step 4 – Transfer Selection Screen
Selections for Move Employee Options (With YTD Totals) From Company and To Company: These fields will default to the Company to which the filtered employee(s) was linked. You will not be able to change these fields as employees can only be transferred with YTD Totals within the same Company From Company Rule: This field will default to the Company Rule to which the filtered employee(s) was linked

31 Transfer Steps To Company Rule: Select the Company Rule to which the employee(s) must be transferred. The drop-down list will only display Company Rules linked to the same From and To Company and with the same Payment Cycle as the ‘from’ Company Rule linked to the filtered employees Transfer Reason: Click on the down-arrow and select the transfer reason. New Rem Structure: Click on the down-arrow and select the new Remuneration Structure to which the employee(s) must be linked

32 Transfer Steps Step 4 – Transfer Selection Screen
Selections for Without Year To Date Option

33 Transfer Steps Step 4 – Transfer Selection Screen
Selections for Without Year To Date Option From Company: This field defaults to the Company linked to the filtered employee(s) To Company: Click on the down-arrow and select the Company to which the employee(s) must be transferred. This option may only be used when transferring employees without YTD Totals

34 Transfer Steps From Company Rule: This field defaults to the Company Rule linked to the filtered employee(s) To Company Rule: Select the Company Rule to which the employee(s) must be transferred. The drop-down list will only display Company Rules linked to the Company selected Transfer Reason: Click on the down-arrow and select the transfer reason Current Company Rule Termination Date: This field defaults to the period end date of the Company Rule linked to the filtered employee(s)

35 Transfer Steps Set Leave Start Date Option: This field allows you to select whether the employee(s) should keep the original Leave Start Date or whether the Leave Start Date must default to the new Date Engaged. The options are: Keep Original Leave Start Date Change Leave Start Date to new Date Engaged

36 Transfer Steps Retain Date Joined Group: Check this check box if the current Date Joined Group must default to the ‘to’ Company Rule Date Engaged In New Company Rule: This field defaults to the period start date of ‘to’ Company Rule New Leave Policy: Select the new Leave Policy to which the employee(s) must be linked New Rem Structure: Select the new Remuneration Structure to which the employee(s) must be linked

37 Transfer Steps Termination Final Calculation: If you have selected a future Termination Date, this field will be enabled. The options are Current Period: this option will perform the final Tax Calculation in the current period. The Employee’s Status will become ‘Terminated’ in the next pay period once a rollover was performed Termination Period: this option will perform the final Tax Calculation in the period in which the Termination Date falls. The Employee’s Status will remain ‘Active’ until the termination period has been reached and a rollover was performed, then it will change to ‘Terminated’

38 Transfer Steps Set the Employee Rule Defaults From Company Rule Values: Check this check box if the Employee Rule screen information must default from the new ‘to’ Company Rule This will have an effect on the Hours per Period and Hours per Day fields on the Employee Rule screen and therefore have an effect on an employee’s Period Salary should the Payment Cycles be different

39 Transfer Steps Employee Transaction Action(s): This section allows you to select what should happen with the employee(s) existing transactions. This section allows you to define what should happen to the following transactions: Leave Transaction History Employee Document Attachments Disciplinary Transaction History Discussion Transaction History Performance History

40 Transfer Steps Employee Transaction Action(s): One of the following options must be selected: None: Transactions remain in old company rule and none in new company rule Move: Transactions will be removed from old company and moved to new company rule Copy: Transactions will remain in old company rule and copied to new company rule

41 Transfer Steps Step 5 – Which Employee(s) to Transfer Screen
This screen allows you to select whether you want to transfer the selected employee or multiple employees based on the selected filtered employees

42 Transfer Steps Transfer One Employee

43 Transfer Steps Transfer Multiple Employees

44 Transfer Steps Include Employee: Check the check box for the employees to be transferred Transfer Pending Leave Transactions: Check the check box in order to transfer all pending leave transactions for the selected employees. You may only transfer pending leave transactions should the Leave Policy of the employee stay the same Employee Code: This field displays the Employee Code of the filtered employee(s) to be transferred

45 Transfer Steps Employee Name: This field displays the Employee Name of the filtered employee(s) to be transferred Council: Select whether the employee(s) should be linked to a Council in the ‘to’ Company Rule Leave Pay: If Leave Pay was activated an error message will be displayed stating that the employee cannot be transferred. Leave Pay must manually be deactivated before an employee can be transferred

46 Transfer Steps Maternity Pay: If an employee’s UIF Status = Maternity Leave, an error message will be displayed stating that the employee cannot be transferred. The employee’s UIF Status must manually be changed before the employee can be transferred Early Pay: This field indicates whether Early Pay was activated in the ‘from’ Company Rule. The field values are: None: Early Pay was not activated in the ‘from’ Company Rule and no action was required Deactivated: Early Pay was activated in the ‘from’ Company Rule and will be deactivated should this employee be included in the transfer

47 Transfer Steps Freeze Payslip: Should the checkbox be checked, this field indicates that the employee has frozen payslips in the ‘from’ Company Rule and this will be deactivated should the employee be transferred Forced Pay: Should the checkbox be checked, this field indicates that Forced Pay was activated in the ‘from’ Company Rule and this will be deactivated should the employee be transferred

48 Transfer Steps Stop Further Entry: If Stop Further Entry was activated in the ‘from’ Company Rule, an error message will be displayed stating that the employee(s) cannot be transferred. Stop Further Entry must manually be deactivated first before the employee(s) can be transferred Pending Increase: Should the checkbox be checked, this field indicates that Forced Pay was activated in the ‘from’ Company Rule and this will be deactivated should the employee be transferred

49 Transfer Steps Pending Leave Transactions: If an employee has a future leave transaction, a warning message will be displayed stating that the employee has a pending leave transaction. The following message will be displayed:

50 Transfer Steps Note: You will not be able to proceed with the transfer should the transfer be done for different Companies and different Leave Policies. The pending leave transactions must be deleted before the employee(s) can be transferred The following message will be displayed:

51 Transfer Steps Pending Workflow Claim: If an employee has any pending Workflow Claims, an error message will be displayed stating that all pending Workflow Claims must be deleted before the employee can be transferred Medical Aid Linking: If an employee is linked to a Medical Aid Plan/Option, the system checks to see whether the Medical Aid Plan/Option is linked to the ‘to’ Company Rule, should the Medical Aid Plan/Option not be linked to the ‘to’ Company Rule, an error message will be displayed

52 Transfer Steps

53 Transfer Steps Step 6 – Position Linking Option Screen
When licenced for the Job Profile Management Module, the Position field will also be available on the Transfer Option screen

54 Transfer Steps The Current Position End Date will default to the previous period’s end date. The New Position Start Date will default to the current period’s start date. You may change these dates Select the new position to which the employee must be linked

55 Transfer Steps Step 7 – ETI Selection Screen Transfer With YTD Totals
When moving an employee with YTD Totals from one Company Rule to another, you can select values for the following items to be used in the new Company Rule SIC Type SEZ Type Minimum Wage Type

56 Transfer Steps The values as linked in the “from” Company Rule will default to the Employee Transfer screen and you will be able to keep the defaulted values or select new values to be used in the “to” Company Rule

57 Transfer Steps Transfer Without YTD Totals
When transferring an employee without year to date (YTD) figures, in addition to being able to select a new SIC code, SEZ type and Min Wage type, you are able to select whether the number of qualifying months must be transferred to the new Company Rule. This is done in order to cater for Associated Employers The values as linked in the “from” Company Rule will default to the Employee Transfer screen and you will be able to keep the defaulted values or select new values to be used in the “to” Company Rule

58 Transfer Steps

59 Transfer Steps Step 8 – Employee Code Screen
The Employee Code Screen is only applicable when employees are transferred Without YTD Totals in order to select the new Employee Code which will be applicable in the ‘to’ Company Rule The new Employee Code for each employee will default to the Old Employee Code starting with an underscore You may change the New Employee Code field

60 Transfer Steps Should the employee(s) be transferred With YTD Totals, it can only happen in the same Company, therefore the Employee Code will remain the same and the following screen will be seen as confirmation

61 Transfer Steps Should the employee(s) be transferred With YTD Totals, it can only happen in the same Company, therefore the Employee Code will remain the same and the following screen will be seen as confirmation

62 Transfer Steps Step 9 – Sub Screen Questions
The Sub Screen Questions screen is only applicable when employees are transferred Without YTD Totals in order to select whether you want to carry over any Savings, Loans or External Payment values to the ‘to’ Company Rule Select whether existing Savings, Loans and External Payment values should be transferred to the ‘to’ Company Rule. You will need to select the new payroll definitions on which the deductions will apply on the New Employee Payslip Definition screen

63 Transfer Steps

64 Transfer Steps Step 10 – Company Rule Pay Run Mapping
The Pay Run of the ‘from’ Company Rule must be linked to a Pay Run in the ‘to’ Company Rule. You cannot link the same Pay Run more than once The Main Pay Run will always be mandatory for selection in the ‘to’ Company Rule, whether you transfer employees With or Without their YTD Totals Any other Pay Run will always be mandatory for selection when transferring employees With YTD Totals

65 Transfer Steps Any other Pay Run will be optional for selection when transferring employees Without YTD Totals

66 Transfer Steps Step 11 – New Employee Payslip Definition Screen
This screen indicates the new Payslip Definition screen of each selected employee. If you have selected to transfer the employee(s) Sub Screen information, you must select the new payroll definitions to which the information must be transferred

67 Transfer Steps If the employees are not linked to a new Remuneration Structure as part of the Transfer Options, you must complete the following fields Payment Run Definition Affected Earning Line

68 Transfer Steps

69 Transfer Steps External Payments: The Initial Balance field will be adjusted to the current outstanding balance of the ‘from’ Company Rule. Should you want to keep the original balance, you will have to amend the balance manually on the Payslip Definition screen after the transfer. The following field must be completed Emp Deduction Definition: select the payroll definition on which the deduction must be displayed

70 Transfer Steps

71 Transfer Steps Savings and Loans: The Initial Value field will be adjusted to the current outstanding balance of the ‘from’ Company Rule. Should you want to keep the original balance, you will have to amend the balance manually on the Payslip Definition screen after the transfer. The following field must be completed Emp Deduction Definition: select the payroll definition on which the deduction must be displayed Interest Accumulate Ded Definition: select the payroll definition on which the interest must be calculated. You cannot change the interest type while transferring the employee. This must be adjusted manually after the transfer

72 Transfer Steps Interest Fringe Benefit: select the payroll definition on which the Fringe Benefit must be calculated. You cannot uncheck the Interest FB Calculate field while transferring an employee. This must be adjusted manually after the transfer

73 Transfer Steps Step 12 – New Hierarchy Structure Screen
The New Hierarchy Structure screen is only applicable when employees are transferred Without YTD Totals to another Company The Hierarchy Structure will therefore stay the same should an employee be transferred to another Company Rule part of the same Company Because the Hierarchy Structure setup is done per Company, you must select the employee’s new Hierarchy Structure by selecting the relevant Hierarchy Items of the ‘to’ Company

74 Transfer Steps

75 Transfer Steps Step 13 – Employee(s) Leave Policy Screen
This screen will be displayed if the Leave Policy check box on the Transfer Option screen was checked You can only select to carry over the existing Leave balances should you do a Leave Policy transfer If the employees’ Leave Policy stays the same, no balances will be transferred to the new Company Rule

76 Transfer Steps This screen allows you to select what should happen with the existing leave balances

77 Transfer Steps From Leave Definition: This field displays the leave definitions of the old Leave Policy Transfer Balance: This field displays the Balance Carried Forward balance of each leave definition Transfer Option: This field allows you select what should happen to the leave balances in the new Leave Policy. The options are To Line: this option allows you to select a leave definition of the ‘to’ Company Rule’s Leave Policy to which the leave balances must be transferred

78 Transfer Steps Create Line for employee: this option allows you to create a new Leave Definition for the employee should it not form part of the employee’s existing Leave Policy. The selected Leave Definition will therefore be added on the employee’s Leave Policy screen as an additional Leave Definition Drop: this option allows you to delete the current leave balances. This means that the leave balance will be deleted and not carried forward to any leave definition

79 Transfer Steps To Leave Definition: If you have selected to transfer the leave balance to a leave definition on the new Leave Policy, select the leave definition to which the leave balance must be transferred Note: You must select each employee and make the relevant selections for each employee when multiple employees are transferred

80 Transfer Steps Step 14 – Employee(s) Transfer Confirmation Setting Screen This screen contains 3 Tabs which displays the transfer selections made before the employees are transferred Transfer options Employee Transaction Action(s) Employee(s) to transfer

81 Transfer Steps Transfer Option

82 Transfer Steps Employee Transaction Actions(s)

83 Transfer Steps Employee(s) to Transfer
Confirm all the selections made before continuing with the Next button, as the transfer will start to take place

84 Transfer Steps Step 15 – Processing Transfer Screen
Once you click on Next, the Transfer Status will show ‘Busy…’

85 Transfer Steps The Transfer Status will change to ‘OK’ once the employees have been transferred, and the Exception Error and Validation Errors fields will display any errors that could cause the transfer not to be successful for some of the employees Should an employee generate an error you can click on the Back button and uncheck the employee to exclude him/her from the transfer in order to continue

86 Transfer Steps

87 Thank you for attending this session!
Please send any feedback or suggestions to: Please use the Chat block to ask your questions, and not the Q&A block. The Q&A session will now begin……

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