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Speakers and Session Chairs

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1 Speakers and Session Chairs
M S Reddy CDFD Javed Iqbal Tamal Das TIFR Hyd Murali Bashyam CDFD Kalyaneswar Mandal TIFR Hyd MUR Naidu Natco Balaji Bhyravbhatla Hylasco Aprotim Mazumder TIFR Hyd Manish Jaiswal TIFR Hyd Ravi Gutti, UoH Mandar Deshmukh CCMB Mahaboobi Jaleel Aurigene Subrahmanyam Vangala ReaGene Prabhat Arya SignMod-Transcell Subhadra Dravida Transcell Oncologics

2 Lecture Titles Session 2: Aprotim Mazumder, TIFR Hyd
Measuring DNA damage responses and associated gene expression changes at a single molecule resolution in cells and tissues Ravi Gutti, UoH MicroRNA therapeutics: Discovering novel targets and developing specific therapy Subrahmanyam Vangala, ReaGene The promise and reality in vitro 3D human models in cancer drug discovery Session 1: MS Reddy, CDFD Dissecting cellular processes using interaction proteomics Tamal Das, TIFR Hyd Mechanobiology of collective cell dynamics: How forces dictate cell migration and competition? Murali Dharan Bashyam, CDFD Studying a novel oncogenic role for a nuclear tumor suppressor when localized to the cytoplasm Session 3: Mahaboobi Jaleel, Aurigene Targeted protein degradation for cancer therapy Kalyaneswar Mandal, TIFR Hyd Mirror-image protein based drug discovery against cancer and other diseases Prabhat Arya, SignMod-Transcell Oncologics Going-in for undruggable targets

3 Come and join our “Open Door”,
Town Hall Session if you are interested and happen to be in the area! Session 4: Town Hall Discussion (Facilitator: Prabhat Arya), 5:00-5:40 pm Will have discussion (5-8 min each) on the following points: Promoting the team culture / helping each other / respecting each other while reaching-out for our research goals (for ex, setting-up collective objectives). Promoting the entrepreneur culture within our young faculty / researchers. Our role models on the entrepreneurial path. Understanding very early on the hard realties of placing your science onto the entrepreneurial path (in India). Aiming for knowledge-based (with IP portfolio) than service-based biotechs.

4 Conference Agenda (Snapshot)
Location: School of Life Sciences, Ground Floor, Seminar Hall Opening Remarks and Welcome Address 8:50 am – 9:15 am 9:20 am – 11:15 am Session 1: Breaking New Grounds in Signaling Tea Break: 11:15 am – 11:35 am 11:35 am – 1:35 pm Session 2: Technology-based Applications Lunch Break: 1:25 pm - 2:25 pm 2:30 pm – 3:55 pm Session 3A: Emerging Approaches Leading to Translational Paths Tea Break: 3:50 pm - 4:15 pm 4:15 pm – 5:00 pm Session 3B: Emerging Approaches Leading to Translational Paths 5:00 pm pm Session 4: Town Hall Discussion 5:40 pm - 6:10 pm Closing Remarks and Vote of Thanks

5 M S Reddy, CDFD: Dissecting cellular processes using interaction proteomics
Tamal Das, TIFR Hyd: Mechanobiology of Collective Cell Dynamics: How Forces Dictate Cell Migration and Competition? Murali Bashyam, CDFD: Studying a novel oncogenic role for a nuclear tumor suppressor when localized to the cytoplasm Aprotim Mazumder, TIFR Hyd: Measuring DNA damage responses and associated gene expression changes  Mahaboobi Jaleel, Aurigene: Targeted protein degradation for cancer therapy Ravi Gutti, UoH: MicroRNA  therapeutics: Discovering novel  targets and developing specific therapy Subrahmanyam Vangala, ReaGene: The promise and reality in vitro 3D human models in cancer drug discovery Kalyaneswar Mandal, TIFR Hyd: Mirror-image protein based drug discovery against cancer and other diseases Prabhat Arya, SignMod-Transcell: Going-in for undruggable targets Seminar titles

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