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What are the potential causes?

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Presentation on theme: "What are the potential causes?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What are the potential causes?
October Doctor reports 4 cases of acute watery diarrhoea with severe dehydration in last 24 hours Gradual increase in admissions with watery diarrhoea in last 5 days Abrupt onset profuse watery diarrhoea with vomiting and fever Is this an outbreak? What are the potential causes?

2 October 25 Health cluster meeting: 2 other districts report 40 deaths form diarrhoea since 20 October Case definition? How will you confirm cause of the outbreak? What outbreak control measures are needed?


4 What outbreak control measures are needed?
Case management Logistics Infection Prevention and Control Health education

5 Case management


7 Case management Cholera treatment centre
Cholera cots – plastic sheeting – buckets Fluids Treatment: Oral IV Antibiotics Train health workers

8 Logistics Supplies IV fluids Giving sets Specimen containers

9 Infection Prevention and Control
Soap and water Handwashing stations Chlorination of piped and tankered water Latrines

10 Health education Handwashing Safe food Safe water Funerals

11 a high case fatality rate?
8 November 9971 cases reported 643 deaths Actual number of cases could be much higher Why is there such a high case fatality rate?

12 High Case Fatality Rate
Lack of knowledge: public, healthcare staff Delays in accessing health care Large numbers of cases High infective dose with rapid onset Poorly trained staff Inappropriate treatment Poor triage mechanisms Lack of supplies

13 What are the potential sources?
Importation from cholera endemic area International staff Imported food: ?seafood

14 UN military base Battalion of Nepalese soldiers arrived early October
Raw sewage discharged to river Water used downstream for cooking, drinking, bathing 90% of cases in first 5 days along bank of river No reported cases among UN military

15 Kathmandu 23 September 2010: Cholera outbreak reported
DNA fingerprinting and genotyping


17 Spread to Dominican Republic, USA, Mexico, Venezuela, Cuba




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