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Silicon Prairie Initiative on Robotics in Information Technology

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Presentation on theme: "Silicon Prairie Initiative on Robotics in Information Technology"— Presentation transcript:

1 Silicon Prairie Initiative on Robotics in Information Technology
Using an Engineering Notebook

2 What IS an Engineering Notebook?
A “Blow-by-Blow” record of all laboratory procedures and observations Audience: the engineer Answers the “why” and “how” of the experiment(s) and measurement(s) May become important legal record Record of failures as well as successes

3 Engineering Notebook Entries
Objectives of the project Preliminary analysis Equipment diagram Experimental procedure Data – including proper labeling Graphs – with proper labeling Calculations Results and conclusions Comments for future work

4 What an Engineering Notebook ISN’T
A notebook is not a report The data from a single notebook record might be used for several quite different reports A notebook is not intended to be completed after the work Don’t use scratch paper. If it’s worth recording, it’s worth putting directly into the notebook

5 Dialectic Notebook Entries
Observation & Response Need-to-know Questions Dialogue Later Reflections

6 If it isn’t documented, it didn’t happen.
Engineering Notebook A significant fraction of engineering time is used just writing things down in the book. If it isn’t documented, it didn’t happen.

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