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Two Perspectives Learned thus far

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Presentation on theme: "Two Perspectives Learned thus far"— Presentation transcript:

1 Two Perspectives Learned thus far
1st Psychoanalysis Now we segue to --- 2nd Behaviorism

2 Freud to Pavlov Many psychologists weren't satisfied with Freud's emphasis on the role of the unconscious. Ivan Pavlov, a Russian physiologist who won the Nobel Prize in 1904 for his work on the digestive process, helped prepare the way for a new explanation of behavior.

3 Conditioning Pavlov discovered that dogs could be conditioned (trained) to salivate when they heard a musical tone. Normally, saliva is produced only when the animals see, smell, or taste foo

4 The Dog

5 Sorry the real dog

6 Some terms explained

7 Pavlov’s work Pavlov conditioned this automatic response by sounding the tone each time he fed the dogs a special meat powder. He repeated the process six to eight times. After that, the dogs salivated freely whenever they heard the tone, even when no food was present

8 From Pavlov to Watson John Watson, an American psychologist, saw the value of Pavlov's work. Soon after World War 1, Watson announced that psychology should deal only with behavior that can be observed and measured. Watson was not interested in Freud's studies of the unconscious or in Wundt's introspection. The only task of psychology, Watson proclaimed, was to "predict and control behavior." This approach, known as behaviorism, now ranks as one of modem psychology's most important concepts.

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