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Question 2 and 7 2005 Organic chemistry.

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1 Question 2 and Organic chemistry

2 Section A Q2 2005

3 Answer : volatile product / ethanal has low b. p
Answer : volatile product / ethanal has low b.p. /ethanal boils at about 21 °C (room temp) (5)

4 2(b) State two features of the preparation that are necessary to maximise the yield of ethanal and , for each feature stated, explain why it is necessary (12)

5 2(c) Describe and account for the colour change which is observed during the addition of the ethanol and sodium dichromate(VI) solution to the hot acid. (9)

6 2(d) Describe how you would carry out Fehling’s test on a sample of ethanal. What observation would you expect to make in this test? (12)


8 Chloroethane / ethyl chloride [Accept with number e. g
Chloroethane / ethyl chloride [Accept with number e.g. 1-chloroethane] (5) Section B Q7(a)

9 Section B Q7(b)

10 Section B Q7(c)

11 Describe with the aid of a labelled diagram how the conversion W may be carried out in a school laboratory and how a sample of the product may be collected. How would you test this product to show that it is unsaturated? (18) Section B Q7 (c)

12 Section B Q7(d)

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