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Energy Transformation and Fuels (p 226)

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1 Energy Transformation and Fuels (p 226)
1. Fossil Fuels Fossil fuels contain large amounts of chemical potential energy that was transformed from solar energy by ancient plants. A long period of time, high pressure, and certain bacterial decay processes lead to the production of coal, oil, and natural gas.

2 2C8H18 (l) + 25O2(g)  16CO2(g) + 18H2O(g) + energy
2. Fossil Fuel Combustion The burning of fossil fuels releases tonnes of carbon dioxide into the air, which contributes to global warming. The combustion of oil, for example, would be: 2C8H18 (l) + 25O2(g)  16CO2(g) + 18H2O(g) + energy

3 3. Fuel Cells emit fewer pollutants use hydrogen & oxygen to transform chemical potential energy into electrical energy The only product for this reaction is water. 2H2(g) + O2(g)  2H2O(g) + energy

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