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Help Wanted! Solving State Agency Recruitment and Retention Challenges

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Presentation on theme: "Help Wanted! Solving State Agency Recruitment and Retention Challenges"— Presentation transcript:

1 Help Wanted! Solving State Agency Recruitment and Retention Challenges
MISSISSIPPI Frances Fair RN Chief Nurse and Licensure Director-LTC/Non-LTC

2 What Just Happened??? Change in CMS Survey Process
Staff anxiety with technology push Discrepancy between public and private sector salaries Training time for SMQT Increase requirements from CMS

3 Shock Waves Rigorous survey schedules Retirements
Resignations- loss of half of survey staff in a two year period Low surveyor morale and “burn out” Inability to meet CMS Standards and Quality Measures timely

4 GOALS: Improve surveyor morale Develop TEAM concept
Meet CMS Standards Improve surveyor morale Develop TEAM concept Improve employee retention

5 Action Plan! Aggressive Social Media Campaign
Advertisement in Professional Publications Attendance at Job Fairs Improve employee benefit package/pay Develop Team Concept by establishing “home” districts to decrease travel and overnight survey stays Hire Contract Staff to assist in meeting CMS survey standards


7 Successes!!! Four Team Survey Districts in the State
A Nurse Manager over each team Teams make their own schedules 10% increase in Nursing Salaries across state agency Additional 5% pay increases for experience and 5% for education for new hires Increase in job applicants across entire state Increased support of state agency management Improvement in staff retention This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY

8 Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress.
Working together is success! Henry Ford

9 C Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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