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Presentation on theme: "TAMAQUA AREA MIDDLE SCHOOL AUGUST 26, 2019"— Presentation transcript:


2 1st Day Student Forms RETURN ASAP!!!!

3 New for 6th Grade Chromebooks Flex STEM ED E-Sports Vo-Tech

4 Schedules Conflicts – Ask your teacher or office.
Cycles – 5 Specials for 6th ,7th , and 8th Grade.

5 Academics HOMEWORK! STUDENT PLANNERS – Keep with you at all times.
SUBJECTS: Mathematics, Social Studies, Science, Language Arts, Reading, Physical Education, Art, Music, STEM Ed, and Health.

6 School Day Doors open at 7:00 AM Lockers from 7:30 AM until 7:35 AM
Students must be IN homeroom by the conclusion of the bell. Tardy students must report to the office for a late pass. Drop/Pick up spot.

7 Breakfast Breakfast is available daily for everyone from 7:00AM-7:30AM. If you are Free/Reduced approved you qualify for F/R Breakfast.

8 Bell Schedule 9 period day 5 – 42 minute Class Periods
1 – 42 minute Specials Period 1 – 42 minute Lunch 1 – 42 minute AR/MATH Period 1 – 42 minute FLEX

9 Tardy to School & Class Each student is allowed three tardies for the year. Detention will result for each additional tardy. Excessive tardy mornings may result in citations.

10 Homework & Participation
Failing to do either may result in parent contact and possible disciplinary action. Academic Detentions

11 Planners Assignments must be recorded daily.
Keep them neat and organized. Do not remove pages or destroy.

12 Study Hall/Flex Periods 1 – 8 – Read AR or Math.
Period 9 – Complete homework, GetMoreMath, or read AR. Quiet Areas

13 Electronic Devices Any student that would like to use an electronic device must submit a note from their parent granting permission. Any student found to be using the device for anything other than AR or Math will have the privilege removed.

14 Progress Reports Progress reports indicating unsatisfactory academic progress may be mailed/ ed to parents or guardians at any time. MMS Student Portal – Allows parents to monitor grades daily.

15 Emergency Pass/Lavatory Procedure
The lavatory is to be used between classes. Emergency Pass to Nurse or Office Pass from Mr. Czapla. Student Planner Insert. Keep moving, no groups.

16 Dismissal Normal dismissal is 2:25PM
Buses depart from the back of the school beginning at approximately 2:30 PM Students must exit the building by 2:30 PM unless they have permission from a teacher. Pick-ups – The back road is closed from 2:15 until the buses depart.

17 Attendance Parents are asked to call the school to report a child’s absence. Absence notes must be returned within 2 school days. Absences without proper excuses are unlawful days, which could result in citations. The student is responsible to communicate with the teacher concerning missed assignments ASAP.

18 Attendance After 10 days of absence, a student must provide a Dr.’s note for each additional day or face citations. Excused absences for educational trips fall within the 10 day limit. There is a 30 Day maximum on excused absences. Consequences Citations, C&Y Referral, Truancy Court, and loss of driving privilege.

19 Dress Code Policy is online
Piercings, Logos, Skirts, Boots, and Purses Backpacks must be clear, not mesh, not pics or designs. Students must change for physical education. Clothing is available in the Office.

20 Electronic Devices Cell phones, Cameras, Game Systems must be turned off and left in your locker. Any pictures taken of school activities placed on the Internet make you subject to disciplinary action with Police Referral.

21 Lockers It is your responsibility to keep them clean.
Do not leave clothing, food, or drinks in your locker. Do not share your locker combinations.

22 Textbooks You will be held financially responsible for any damage.
All textbooks must be covered for their protection.

23 Bus and Cafeteria Behavior
Any inappropriate behavior in the cafeteria or on the bus can lead to a loss of privileges and a police referral. Loss for Bus Transportation. Café Detention.

24 Café Procedures Students report to the café and remain at their assigned table until a faculty member calls their table. Students are only permitted to carry a $5.00 negative balance. Once every student has been served lunch, snacks may be purchased with teacher permission.

25 Discipline Review the Student/Parent Handbook

26 Internet & Cyberbullying
Any inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated and will result in discipline and police referral. Social Media Apps Court Ruling House Bill No. 229

27 Consequences for Misbehavior
Verbal Reprimand Parent Communication Classroom Detention, Detention, Saturday Detention, Lunch Detention, and OSS. The student will be given 24 hr notice before he/she is expected to serve detention. Parents are responsible for transportation. Follow the classroom rules established by your teacher.

28 Consequences for Misbehavior
A discipline form will be completed with a copy given to the student to take home. An additional copy will be mailed home to the parent/guardian. A student serving an out-of-school suspension will not be permitted on school property and is expected to complete assignments. (T&R) Detentions 2:30 – 3:30 Saturday Detentions 8:00 – 11:00

29 Guidance Mrs. Brickler – Guidance Counselor
6th Grade – 9th Period Career Prep SAP = Student Assistance Team - Depression, Family, School, Home Issues. Team Members: Brickler, Czapla, Deiter, DiSante, Keller, Kostecky, Opolsky, Shannon, and Smith.

30 Communication Students are encouraged to ask questions if they are having difficulty in class. Students are encouraged to request assistance from the teachers during class, during study periods or after school.

31 Extracurricular Activities
Band, Chorus, Math Counts, Yearbook, Lego Club, Academic Clubs, National Junior Honor Society, and Student Council. Interscholastic sport teams are sponsored in basketball, wrestling, cross country, football, cheerleading, and track & field.

32 EMERGENCY DRILLS For the safety of all, remain quiet and listen to your teacher. Weather, Evacuation, Fire, and Shelter in Place. ALICE

33 Raider Run $71,000 Grade 6 – 8 Field Trips, Café TVs, Activity Days, Technology. $50 – Gift Cards



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