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Teaching Experience Supervisor

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1 Teaching Experience Supervisor
Copyright © 2017 The Canadian Red Cross Society


3 Location Logistics Emergency procedures Telephones Washrooms
Location of first aid kit and AED Food/drink in the classroom Washrooms Building access Location of fire exits/muster station

4 Introductions

5 Key Themes (Online Component)

6 Key Themes (Online Component)

7 Key Themes (Online Component)

8 Key Themes (Online Component)

9 Key Themes (Online Component)

10 Key Themes (Online Component)

11 Intent / Roles We will focus on understanding the role of the TES and the process of supporting an Instructor candidate throughout the Teaching Experience. Instructor Trainer: Facilitates the learning process. Instructor Candidates: Participate in the lessons, apply the knowledge gained online, and contribute to their own learning as well as that of their peers.

12 Completion Criteria Successfully complete a skills evaluation
Successfully complete the Fundamentals of Instruction – Teaching Experience Supervisor online component Adhere to the Canadian Red Cross Standards of Behaviour and the group charter Attend and participate in 100% of the course (i.e., be present and actively provide focused contributions at all scheduled sessions)

13 Overview Lesson 1: Welcome & Introduction Lesson 2: Who are Teaching Experience Supervisors? Lesson 3: The Teaching Experience Lesson 4: Assessment and Evaluation Lesson 5: Role Play Reflection / Close the Course

14 What comes next? Step 1: Evaluate Skills and Check Prerequisites
Step 2: Fundamentals of Instruction (online and in-class) Step 3: Certification

15 How Will We Regroup? What signal will we use when it is time to regroup? Sound? Visual cue? Other?

16 Communication On request, as needed (during breaks)
Final individual check-in (end of course)

17 Fundamental Principles
Humanity Impartiality Neutrality Independence Voluntary Service Unity Universality The Fundamental Principles guide all CRC classrooms and learning experiences

18 We will be using reflection throughout this classroom component – this image will indicate time for reflection.


20 Allow time for candidate reflection.

21 Who Are Teaching Experience Supervisors?
Lesson 2 Who Are Teaching Experience Supervisors?

22 Group Activity

23 TES & IT TES Same IT What do they do? What are their responsibilities?
Added Instructor Tasks?

24 Allow time for candidate reflection.

25 The Teaching Experience
Lesson 3 The Teaching Experience

26 TE Online Prep

27 TE Form Part 1: Instructor Candidate Information
Part 2: Instructor Development Program Details Part 3: Foundations of Instructor Development (Interview) Part 4: Teaching Experience (Attempt 1-3)

28 TE – Program Standards Goal of the Teaching Experience
Components of the Teaching Experience Initial Certification & Additional Certification Consideration for Wilderness Instructor candidates Team Teaching Roles and Responsibilities

29 Allow time for candidate reflection.

30 Assessment & Evaluation
Lesson 4 Assessment & Evaluation

31 Learning Stations Station 1: Skill Evaluation (Standards vs Practice)
Station 2: Coaching Station 3: Check-Ins (Midpoint and Final)

32 Allow time for candidate reflection.

33 Lesson 5 Role-Play

34 Allow time for candidate reflection.

35 Reminders Keep your personal contact details up to date
(especially ) Use of the First Aid App (teaching tool) Ask the Expert

36 Thank-You! THANK-YOU

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