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Economics of Reproduction: the Quality of the Pregnancy

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1 Economics of Reproduction: the Quality of the Pregnancy
Albert De Vries Associate Professor Department of Animal Sciences University of Florida ADSA 2010 Dairy Cattle Reproduction Council Annual Meeting, Kansas City, Missouri, November 10-11, 2011

2 Acknowledgments John Cole David Galligan
Research Geneticist, USDA-Animal Improvement Programs Laboratory, Beltsville, MD David Galligan Professor, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Kennett Square, PA

3 Quality? Gender Genetic merit

4 Let’s talk about … Value of semen Genomics and sexed semen
Value: semen vs. genomic testing

5 Net present value of insemination =
Probability of conception (SCR) Cost of days open Probability of heifer calf Lifetime Net Merit (NM$) Gene flow Time value of money Cost of semen

6 USDA Net Merit economic values (2010) Lifetime values (≈ 3 years)
Trait Units Standard deviation (SD) Value ($/PTA unit) Relative value (%) Protein Pounds/305d 19 3.41 16 Fat 27 2.89 Milk (volume) 723 0.001 Productive life Months 2.5 35 22 Somatic cell score Log SCC 0.23 -182 -10 Udder Composite 0.90 32 7 Feet and legs 1.03 15 4 Body size -23 -6 Daughter pregnancy rate Percent 1.70 11 Calving ability Dollars 20 1 6 Net Merit 198 100 Cole[1406] SD = genetic variation between animals = room for improvement (hypothetical unselected population) SD of NM$, CM$, FM$ are $1938 Relative value = SD x Value($/PTA unit) / ∑ {SD x |Value($/PTA unit)|}

7 Sire data Lifetime Net Merit (NM$) and sire conception rate (SCR) from August 2011 genetic evaluation Retail semen prices from 2 AI companies Complete data for 166 active AI sires

8 Sire conception rates 166 sires, August 2011 genetic evaluation

9 Present value vs. Net Merit 166 sires, August 2011, 2 AI companies

10 Net present value vs. retail semen price 166 sires, August 2011, prices from 2 AI companies

11 Return on investment in semen 166 sires, August 2011, prices from 2 AI companies

12 But … Actual semen price discounts unknown
I cannot compare AI companies Maybe you do not like Net Merit? Do you know your economic weights?

13 2011: More heifers than we need?
Improved reproductive performance Reduced involuntary culling (cow comfort ) Sexed semen Earlier breeding (loss of bST)? Kevin Jorgensen, in Hoard’s Dairyman April 10+25, 2011

14 Genomic testing of heifer calves?

15 Genetic progress = genetic variation x selection intensity x accuracy of test
How good the ranking is Natural genetic differences How picky we can be

16 Selection of heifer calves
Pre-rank calves based on pedigree info 3K SNP genomic test ($45, 65% reliability) Not all calves need to be tested Selection intensity depends on # heifer calves available Sell surplus heifer calves

17 Genetic value of testing and selection of heifer calves for Net Merit
Calves selected EBV selected calves (pre-ranked, 35% rel.) Optimal fraction calves tested with genomic test (65% rel.) EBV selected calves (after genomic testing) Cost of genomic testing per selected calf NPV of selected calves 100% $0 - 90% $40 70-100 $55 $15 $62 80% $72 60-90 $93 $17 $112 70% $103 50-90 $135 $26 $162 60% $133 40-80 $172 $30 $209 50% $165 30-70 $213 $36 $259 EBV = estimated breeding value, NPV = net present value

18 Herd profitability and # heifer calves Large spreadsheet
Statistic Scenario No sexed semen 2x sexed semen in heifers Calves needed (#/cow/yr) 0.448 Calves available (#/cow/yr) 0.537 0.640 Heifer calves selected (%) 83% 70% Avg. EBV dams ($) $110 $112 Avg. EBV calves born ($) $452 $456 Profit ($/milking cow/year)1 $471 $466 1 Excludes value of heifer calves Now add value of heifer calves …

19 Bottom line economics No sexed semen 2x sexed semen
No sexed semen 2x sexed semen Pre-ranking calf reliability 0% 35% Genomic testing policy1 20-100 70-90 0-100 50-90 Statistics ($/cow/year): Profit without heifer calf value 471 466 Heifer calves sold 18 39 NPV calves before pre-ranking 123 125 NPV calves due to pre-ranking 38 64 Added NPV from genomic testing 48 9 88 20 Cost of genomic testing 5 29 12 Heifer calf value 180 183 222 236 Profit with heifer calf value 651 654 688 702

20 Return on investment in genomic testing, 2 scenarios
Reliability pre-ranking No sexed semen 2x sexed semen 0% 5.37 : 1 3.06 : 1 35% 1.82 : 1 1.73 : 1

21 Still lots of questions …
How many extra heifer calves? Which dams supply heifer calves? Sell or raise surplus heifers? Cull more cows? Use better genetics semen? Thank you

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