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Presented by: Sheyla Carew Scientific & Political Change April 2010

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1 Presented by: Sheyla Carew Scientific & Political Change April 2010
Legal & Ethical aspects in Medically Assisted Reproduction USA & Europe Presented by: Sheyla Carew Scientific & Political Change April 2010


3 Assisted Reproduction Techniques
USA Europe Access for single parents, homosexuals, and unmarried couples Allowed Restricted Surrogacy Sperm / Occyte donation Freezing embryos By request Restricted by law Remuneration Ethical guidelines Legal guidelines Treatment cover by insurance Mostly no Mostly yes

4 European Restrictions
London: no more than $ for egg donation Norway: Allows sperm donation, but no egg donation or surrogacy. UK / France / Germany: Limit # of embryos to be transferred Greece and Canada: No laws or guidelines Sweden / Denmark: No treatment of single women Embryo freeze: -Sweden: No -Denmark: 2 years - UK: 10 years -Finland: Unlimited


6 Commodity? IVF Institute in Fairfax VA: “Raffling” human eggs?
Compensation according to SAT scores IVF at “lower price” for oocyte sharing

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